Seven: Images of A Finalized Decision

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Maryanland, September 06, 2040 6:48 AM

We felt Lyaly's absence in large and heart-wrenching quantities. Sapphire and I don't speak unless required, so the aura surrounding us sounds nothing short of inaudible. Lyaly never allows a second to fall under avoidable silence. I've never encountered someone who bears countless numbers of topics to talk about. That girl can speak to anyone or anything for hours without needing to recharge in a dark room. I envy her.

Clouds make no scene at this moment, instead, a gorgeous view of the Milky Way covered by a thin blue sheet dawns the sky. To cheer Sapphire up before work, I accepted their request of wearing matching pastel yellow dresses. The puffed short sleeves reaching above my elbows make me resemble a grandmother from back in the day. If it weren't for its above the knee-length, I would advertise the nearest nursing home. They also made me fall for their puppy eyes, convincing me to let them do my hair and makeup. My request for a simple look came through. We're both wearing half-up, half-down hair with light makeup. I didn't have the heart to tell them we both look like Tweety Bird when the bright gummy smile that appeared on their face looked so fitting there. They have not stopped taking pictures of both of us since we left.

I will admit, despite all odds, we look great. There's a sense of confidence that makes me walk with confident steps when I glam up.

They're lucky we still haven't seen the fall of September yet, or else I would've clung onto my jacket like glue. But I threatened them to take care of the clothes I left laying folded on their bed.

Clothes don't grow on trees. Wait, no they do because some resources used to make clothes, such as cotton, do come from a type of tree and-

Whatever, no one gives a fuck.

I felt quite hesitant about their suggestion of going to work, but they insisted they still want to go. After my brain worked overtime to make sure they were okay, I told them to go choose a matching outfit. Their habit of scavenging thrift stores for clothes all three of us can wear will never cease to thrive. While they were busy surging their hunk of a closet, I helped Ruby get ready for school, and she was on her school bus not long after. The little girl never fails to warm my heart. She told me she likes to go early to meet her friends because they go earlier than usual to get their wheelchairs situated for a day full of school.

When Sapphire held a yellow nana dress in front of me, the feeling of regret drowned my stomach. I shouldn't have been a good friend and visited them. They're a saint for ignoring the scowl I had on my face the whole time we got ready.

Leaving the apartment looking like descendants of minions, we head toward the elementary school. I'll feel better knowing I dropped them off safe and sound than vice versa. My magical presence will ward off any harm from coming their way. I narrow my eyes at myself, even though I cannot see myself from an outside view, but anyway. My presence won't do shit, but I've convinced myself into believing the intensity of my presence is all that I need to protect someone. I'm so fucking delusional.

Although there is a humongous elephant in the room, walking to work never sounded so desert-like before. The only time we speak is to say sorry for bumping into each other. Walking in a straight line isn't our strongest pursuit.

Lyaly has given up the concept of walking in a manner that makes sense. Instead, she has resorted to skipping to her destination of choice. I miss her loud self.

But at least walking like drunk squirrels makes my friend laugh and forget their worries. Not for long, though, because the ability to walk around the bush results in me jumping right atop it. To make the awkward tension, well, less awkward, I look around to avoid their gaze.

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