Forty-Seven: Images of a Threatening Presence

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Maryanland, October 12, 2040, 6:45 AM.


Response, mind.

When will I stop feeling like this?

Like you're the cause behind your life's biggest catastrophe?


The day you see the same people who looked at you with hate look with nothing but gratitude after you fixed your mistakes.

When will I do that?

Oh, you never will.

"Azail, Azail wake up," a gentle hand shaking my shoulder helped me register the waking world. My eyes shot open, my body flinching for a moment before adopting a frozen form.

Something bad will happen if I move.

The feeling of a soft hand caressing my head made me flinch again.

Thawing my frozen body as a fight-or-flight response to escape the hand that won't stop reaching for me.

Why won't it stop? What does it want from me?

"Hun, please stay still, it's me, Sapphire," the voice that spoke with tranquility began growing desperate. Almost as if it was begging me to register it.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before opening them again. Running away through sleep didn't help, so might as well face the war that is being awake. My vision blurred my surroundings, but the shape of a figure sitting on the edge of the bed couldn't go unnoticed.

Sapphire, who else treats me with this much care after a nightmare?

They grab my awaiting hand and pull me up. Now that I sit up and have grown feelings, I shift my focus onto my friend. I drag my hand down my face, hoping to delete the concept of my identity by doing so. Sighing, I pick up the courage to talk, so I don't freak Sapphire out anymore.

"Just a nightmare, I'm fine," I dismiss them with a wave. And the unsettlement in my body, too, I hope.

A scoff interrupts my wishful thoughts before confused ones arise when I hear a genuine cackle come out of my friend.

"You're fine? Is that what you want me to believe?"

I shrug, "if it's doing its job, then yeah."

My lifelong companion stares at me in wonder, and I would pay dimes to know what they're thinking.

"You're a lot like the children I teach," they point out, making me tilt my head in confusion.

"Excuse my grown self?" I say, deeply offended.

Another chuckle permeated the room, but I didn't have the time to cherish it since my friend had plans to pinch the life out of my cheek. After pinching theirs back, we settle our dispute after we almost both fall off the bed. They insisted I should sleep on their bed last night, and my sad self didn't say no. I have to say, sleeping in a comfortable bed did some wonders for my back, but I miss the worn-down couch. She's my buddy.

Humor wiped itself off Sapphire's face as they spoke, "because you think I can't read you like the back of my hand. They say they won't pull each other's hair the same way you said you were fine after your nightmare. You can't fool this bitch."

I sigh, "well, okay. Say I am downright miserable, what do I do after the shit I pulled?" My voice adopted a hint of anger, not directed at Sapphie, but at the situation.

"You continue to move forward, the fuck," they said in such a matter-of-fact manner that it had me throw my head back in laughter.

"You think I'm joking, but I'm serious. That Noir fucker came out of the devil's ass and ruined everything. I know damn fucking well you already have the determination to make him regret the mere thought of messing with you."

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