Forty-Four: Images of Our Final Course

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Maryanland, October 2, 2040, 7:55 AM.

With no time to care about our surroundings, I usher Flynn to open the envelope. The sooner we get our answers and tools, the better. We've waited too fucking long. The excitement of reaching this point has dismissed any form of doubt or suspicion that I could have.

Flynn takes the button contraption out and places it on my awaiting hands. Both of us worried about its integrity and treated it like the treasure it is. I watch him take out the first paper resembling a handwritten letter.

"Dear Azail, and Flynn,

Because we have made little to no introductions, let me introduce myself with ease this time. I am Noir, last names aren't necessary. All you need to know is my relation to Mr. Silver. My family and Mr. Silver's have been long-term friends, families even. Considering his constant appearance in my life growing up, I've considered him an uncle. So, for that reason, I will address him as my uncle. But growing up into who I am has made me open my eyes and realize the hidden evil my uncle shielded from us.

Without him knowing, a fateful day made me stumble upon his deepest secret, which you may know as the Image World. Days and nights went into researching this topic, most of which resulted in me not finding vital information. That was until my uncle left me alone in his office without knowing what he forgot in my possession. As someone who grew up reading about every book in his office, you could imagine my curiosity when my eyes landed upon a journal named 'Sirius A.'

I answered all my questions about the Image World in the short thirty minutes it took me to read the entire journal. From what I had gathered, Mr. Silver has been behind the creation of the Image World, and he has been planning it since before we saw the light of Maryanland. Every component making up Maryanland and the Image World is behind that man. Unfortunately, nowhere in his diary did I see a reason justifying his actions apart from them coming from a creative mind. The brief explanation he had given me regarding what I call the banishment day didn't mention the Image World. All he said was those who deserved a punishment had received it and more.

You can imagine my shock when I discovered the happenings of the dreadful day. More so, my uncle looked proud to tell me what happened, from the riots to how they sought the healthy unity of Maryanland's residents. All the stuff that they should have dealt with in a better light.

However, he mentioned something about a projector that would have more or less been the ultimate tool. But there are none in my vicinity, so I performed some experiments. Using the button I gave you seems to be the best option since there is no projector to help us remove the Image World. As said projector houses its original creation. Worry not, the muslin version of this button proved my experiments successful, and you're ready to gather everyone and do as necessary.

I truly hope my experiments didn't go to waste, and that you found them helpful. I have provided a stolen monthly schedule for Mr. Silver. Please disregard the stolen. Everything I have gotten my hands on and used to help me with my research seemed to have been stolen by me, so excuse the theft. I wish you make use of this information and the schedule. The three of us are in grave danger, but it'll be worth it.

Accept my sincerest apologies regarding my late arrival. We all find our supposed destiny in due time.

Best, N."


Even more silence.

Dare I say add even more of it?

"Holy shit," I breathe out, shock surrounding my whole being.

"Holy shit indeed," Flynn scoffed. "Can you believe how conveniently easy it must have been for Silver to pursue the whole banishment thing?" Flynn turned to me, eyes wide in shock. Not the shock from finding our answers, but the shock from connecting the pieces.

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