Two: Images of My Dearies

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Maryanland, September 05, 2040 6:40 AM

Peace, I sure love peace. I love it so much, and I will admit it with pride. I am a walking embodiment of it.

It is the answer to many questions.

What does the world lack?

What do some people lack?

What brings everyone together?

What is the answer to all these questions?

They all share the same response; peace.

As I make my way to work, confusion swims around me. My steps take their leisure time, not worrying about being late. I stopped trying to be punctual. With my routing taking a predictable trajectory, I can count the number of steps I take to and from work every day. Taking two steps in ten seconds isn't enough to get me to work later. Something in the universe continues to push me by having me make it on time. I want to get there late for once; my boss scolding me will make my morning more eventful.

I will add it to the bucket list I do not have.

People have bucket lists with crazy, call-to-adventure things. Nothing wrong with that, but the issue is that I have zero energy for an adventure. Nor am I able to go places where interactions with other human beings that I do not know are inevitable. If I ever make one, it will include stupid little things everyone has already done.

A laugh coursed through me as the monotonicity of my life dawned on me.

I glare at the little boy staring, but I don't blame him. I am the lunatic laughing in public alone. But whatever, he should not be staring at the kid-despising strangers.

Some kids are tolerable.

The quiet ones in particular. The majority are not.

So dirty and loud for what?

The one I know how to take care of without ripping my hair out is my sole exception of having the tiniest hospitality towards them.

Moving my gaze from the actual little person to the two people the government considers adults because of their legal age. They're still kids in my eyes. I should reconsider who I make my friends.

Despite their questionable actions, I see my favorite people get closer and closer to me. I would never say that out loud. They can feel my L-word in spirit. Either they must've missed me, or there's someone I have to beat up. They're running at a pace never seen on this planet.

The closer they get, the more I ask myself my previous question. Why do I have two of the most chaotic individuals as my closest friends?

The older half was a quiet storm, while the younger half was energetic chaos.

After what felt like minutes of me staring at the air from the perspective of strangers later, Sapphire and Lyaly reach me. They crouch with their hands on their knees, panting.

"Well, good morning to you too," I greet them, trying to hold back a fond smile but couldn't.

I can never be sad or upset around them; it's impossible. I can have the worst day, but one glance at them will make me forget all the bad in the world.

"Good morning to you too," almost as if they practiced, they reply with the same greeting.

I look at the time on my phone and realize two things.

I didn't grab the delicious-looking bread on my way out, and we still got twenty minutes to get to work. So why are they in a rush?

I wanted to eat that bread; I've been thinking about it all morning. Well, fuck. Anyway, back to the two panicking people in front of me. One look at my older friend's black eyes, and they don't take a second to show me their fear. They may not read themselves well, but I can read them like an open book.

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