Twenty-Nine: Images of Learned Maltreatment

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Maryanland, September 21, 2040, 1:00 PM

"What do you mean you don't eat the skin of a chicken?" Sapphire drops their fork, too busy gasping at Lyaly to care about the fallen utensil.

"I don't like the texture," a nonchalant Lyaly shrugs.

"Not even on rotisserie chicken?" Sapphire digs deeper for more information about this shocking phenomenon.

Lyaly raises a finger asking us to give her a minute to devour a skinless drum before she can think of speaking. When the poor thing gets damn near demolished, she returns her gaze to Sapphire, "no, nothing." Sapphire notices the dropped fork after they drop their spoon atop the fork in their moment of shock. They impressively multitask and bend to grab both utensils while gasping. "I can't believe we're friends, even Azail's picky ass devours chicken skin." That's the truth, I'll argue that chicken skin adds more flavor. Okay, chicken connoisseur.

"Have to side with Sapphire on this one," I shove a spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth before they can interrogate me. One in victory, the other in defeat.

"Always knew I liked you for a reason," Sapphire coos, leaning in to pinch my cheek. I glare at their oily hands, which makes them return to their seat, cackling as they do so.

"I thought you liked me!" Lyaly shrilled.

See, I know them like the back of my hand. Truth be told, I don't stare at the back of my hands too much. I have thin skin, and my veins have a field day revealing themselves. I've avoided staring at them for too long because I become too hyperconscious of my circulatory system. Thinking too hard about the flow of my blood will have my heart palpating into oblivion, so why not save myself from the hospital trip?

Busying myself with my corn on the cob, I look at them with the most loving look I could muster. "I like you both the same and you know it. You have free reign of what goes into your stomach for your stomach acid to digest. Eat whatever you want, babes."

Lyaly moves to hug me before realizing she would plummet to the ground if she moves her chair anymore. She returns to her seated position, mouth pouting. I let her do that while I check if her chair was in stable condition.

"You can hug me after we're done with lunch, we have all day to spend together."

That put a smile on her face in seconds, "yay!"

When we eat together, Lyaly loves to sit between Sapphire and me. An unfortunate experience of an undesired stranger glaring at her for no reason because she tripped on her foot made her scared of sitting on any side. I still never understood why the lady had the nerve to glare at Lyly when SHE failed to notice a whole leg was in front of her. Safe to say, I spent my lunch break with my friends that afternoon glaring at some random woman. She noticed me; I knew she did because she only got a single bite of her sandwich in before she upped and left. From that day forward, we keep Lyaly sandwiched between us whenever we can.

Since we had the foods they suggested the last two times we sat down for a meal, today's food of choice came from my suggestion. Middle Eastern, especially Iraqi cuisine has been my go-to because, duh, I've had it all my life. But I'll give credit to whoever made fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn a combo. My stomach owes you one for not feeding her food with rice. The second Sapphire told me it was my pick today, I scared the grandma walking ahead of us on the way here with my enthusiastic yell. A simple yell of my usual had both my friends rolling their eyes.

As much as we're having fun together as a three, we have a member missing.

Ruby hasn't left her room since she got home from school. She always tells us how she loves half days because they get to do fun activities, but today might've not been a good day based on her reaction when she returned home.

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