Thirty-Six: Images of a Realistic Response

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It took Flynn a second to burst out laughing again, and I spent that time admiring khalto's ability to sleep through his boisterous laugh. She's like me- I can sleep through everything.

"I was testing you, and you failed."

Haha, let's ignore that last word because it reminds me of the uncertain future, haha. Funny, laugh. My love for seeking academic validation didn't enjoy hearing it, either.

Also, failed? What was he testing me on? Failing shit annoys me, so whatever fake laughter I was trying to muster up took a fuming turn.

"How so?" I ask, taking a seat on my trusted chair.

It's Flynn's, remember?

Whatever, mi casa, su casa.

My house is your house.

"You look like you got caught in a trance ever since I asked the date question, and I wanted to test how much you were paying attention to details. Call me mighty distracting because, damn, the suggestion of a kiss had you complying without a doubt."

A trance? Listen, I know I descend into my bubble when overthinking, but not a whole ass trance.

Call that overthinking premium or brown study central, perhaps even hazy-dazy.

Since I can't make a rebuttal to his claim because of its validity, I resort to glaring at him. That is all I can do because no words I can use to defend myself will make me look less like a liar. Damn, when the master of quick responses has nothing to say, they're fucked.

"Fine, I was, but don't act like you wouldn't react how I did," ah, yes, that tactic.

Raising his arms in mock defeat, he agrees, "I'll give you that one."

Shits and giggles left as soon as they came because mister "I always make shit serious" joined the conversation.

Flynn sighs, "I hate that we both see this the same way and have the same fears. Well, with an alteration to the joy and obstacles portion. While you halt joy so you can give your attention to whatever obstacle you're facing, I allow myself to give each of them equal attention. I don't appreciate dedicating all my attention to the bad, but I'll understand your feelings. Having that said, regarding us, I'll wait as long as necessary."

I almost pinch myself when I feel my jaw drop in my head. That is Flynn I'm talking about- I should stop feeling nothing short of appalled when he does and says something that adds to his perfection.

"You're unreal," my voice took a breathy turn for some odd reason, "there's no way you're human or nonfictional." A warm hand rests atop my cold one, "it's your lucky day because I am human. At least the last time I checked, that's what the results came to be." He must've noticed me looking damn near unable to speak, and he took the liberty to do so himself.

"I will wait, Azail. I won't force you into a relationship that only one of us feels ready. If waiting until shit is all cupcakes and rainbows is what you want, then it is what I want too. Don't worry about anything apart from what's already on our plate."

The desire to hug him added to the confidence I grew out of a treehouse and was the ingredient that encouraged me to wrap my arms around him. This urge doesn't come to me often, but I know not to ignore it when it does. I've seen the most radiant smiles out of Sapphire and Lyaly when doing so, and I want to see the same smile on Flynn.

Flynn returns the hug in no time. The feeling of secure arms around oneself might be my new favorite thing. Maybe it's the built-up years of no familial affection and the affection I receive from the beautiful people in this home that make me hug him tighter. With our heads resting on each other's shoulders, I take advantage of my face being invisible to him. Moisture came to my eyes the more my brain kept repeating his words. Each time I hung onto a unique part and cherished it.

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