Twenty-Five: Images of An Unexpected Companion

Start from the beginning

Mama Azail mode, on.

Flynn looks down at a giggling Ruby before bending down to her level, "I'm quite jealous of you, Ruby. I'd spend every second of the day bragging about THE Azail going all protection squad over me."

Ruby doesn't take his words as a joke because her response comes with an army of sass.

"Oh, trust me, we all do, all the time. Each one of us has our favorite 'Azail to the rescue moments. I would tell you mine, but the list is quite long."

She's convincing in the way she speaks. One eyebrow raises from her, and you'll believe everything she tells you.

She 100% got that from Sapphire. I can't help but smile as I watch Ruby grow up and hit new milestones. As someone who witnessed Sapphire put their blood, sweat, and tears into raising her to become an amazing person, I can see that their work is paying off. Of course, she's still young, and her personality has yet to bloom to its most potent, but we can see some of its shine. Even though she has been through hell at such a young age, she's still finding the courage to grow and learn. I applaud both of them for that. Can't wait to see what more her already complex personality has in store for her. And also wish Sapphire some luck because if she's anything like them, that'll make two strong-minded people live under one roof.

Flynn's face adopts a shocked expression at her words. Look at her already stunning people. I'm proud.

"So it seems," he says, looking at me smiling before mouthing 'she's cool.' I nod at his words, agreeing without a second thought.

"Well, are we ready to see my house? It's not much, but I hope you'll like it." I hate the insecurity in his voice but muster an encouraging smile for him and the little girl clutching my hand.

He does as I asked and stands on Ruby's other side. A heavy feeling puts pressure on my chest when I see her raising her hand, asking him to hold it. I know what she's trying to achieve, a feeling of familial completeness. He sends me a questioning look when he notices my face fall, but I wave it off, focusing on her instead. In classic Flynn, he does what's asked of him and holds her hand.

The walk did not go by in silence since Ruby never missed an opportunity to ask questions, followed by either of us answering her to the best of our ability. Sorry, Ruby, teaching science is not for me. But I tried sneaking in a few jokes here and there. The chagrin grows deeper in her eyes the more she looks at our connected hands. I won't ask anything, but I'm worried. No child deserves to have a frown decorate their face for whatever reason.

The scenario playing my same fear happens once we reach the front door of a familiar home.

When I look down to make sure she's still okay with this or if she's up for leaving, I notice a wet coat in her eyes.

"Uh, Flynn, would it be okay if I asked you to go in first? We have to take care of something first," I say, hoping to steer his attention away from her.

"Yeah, of course, take your time. I'll leave the door unlocked, come in whenever you want. You'll see us in the kitchen," he says, smiling. I feel a soft touch from his calloused hand hold mine for a moment, as if to say a temporary goodbye before he walks in.

I crouch down to come face to face with a now crying Ruby.

"What's wrong, my red gem?" My hands wipe the tears that don't look to be taking a break. I stand in front of her to prevent anyone passing by from seeing her. Letting her have her moment, I adjust her jacket and scarf again. Children and their hate for winter clothes, my gosh. The cold here is brutal, and I'm already feeling bad for keeping her out in this skin-freezing weather.

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