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6th July 2022

The girls were leaving Greece today but Lilah really didn't want to leave Dec behind.

As last night was there last night, Lilah slept in her allocated room which was different from what she'd done for the past week, after going to the club where they first met.

The girls were set to leave early in the morning and Lilah wanted to say bye to Dec but it was too early and she didn't want to wake him just to say goodbye.

"You need to tell him that your going, he'll be heartbroken and grumpy if you don't and we'll have to be the ones to deal with it." Ben had said when Mason told him that Lilah hadn't planned on saying goodbye.

Mason and Ben both woke up early to drive the girls to the airport and help them with their suitcases but Dec didn't know that their flight was early in the morning.

"Yeah I guess your right." She walks up to Dec rooms whilst rubbing her thumb against the palm of her other hand as she was starting to get anxious about waking Dec this early in the morning.

She doesn't knock on the door and enters his room as quietly as she could.

She sees a piece of paper on the side and grabs a pen and begins to write a note for Dec so she doesn't have to wake him up.

As she was writing the note, she accidentally knocked her phone on the floor which woke up Dec.

When he turned over and saw his girl standing there he couldn't help but smile at her.

"What are you doing gorgeous?" When Lilah heard Dec speak it made her jump and drops the pen.

"Umm, I didn't want to wake you but I'm leaving for the airport and I wanted to say goodbye but I didn't want to wake you." Dec heard what she said and immediately jumped out of bed.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've woke up earlier." He was currently stood in-front of her in just her underwear which made her blush.

"I didn't want to make you feel like you had to." She smiles gently as Dec puts some grey shorts on but leaves his chest bare.

"You could never." He sighs and places his hand on her cheek. "I'm not ready for this to end."

He admits it before pulling her closer to him and kissing her which makes her giggle.

"I feel the same way."

"I have an idea. We're both not ready for you to leave and for what this is to end so stay here." He knew what he was saying sounded mental but he really wanted his girl to stay with him.

"What? I couldn't burden you with myself and intrude your boys holiday." She shakes her head and looks at the ground.

"It's only a week, and you wouldn't be a burden or intruding." He kisses her again after reassuring her.

"Ok then, I guess I'm staying." She screams in excitement but soon shuts herself up when she remembers it's early.

"Let's go and tell your girls that your staying." They both go downstairs where the girls are waiting.

Lilah has a massive smile on her face and Decs hand in on her waist so her sister immediately knows what's happening.

"Your staying for a few more days aren't you?" Lilah nods her head and all the girls completely understand and are all so happy that Lilah found someone who makes her happy.

They say they're goodbyes before they leave for the airport and Dec and Lilah go back into bed.


Lilah is currently sat on the beach missing her sister and her friends.

She feels weird and intruding being the girl in Greece now so she's now relaxing on the beach.

Dec has been looking for her for the past half an hour, but hadn't thought of checking the beach but when he ran into Ben and asked if he had seen her recently, he responded and told him he saw her on the beach, so that is where he was heading right now.

As he walks out of the villa and approaches the beach, he sees her sitting her looking out to where the water meets the sky.

"Hey, are you ok?" Dec sits next to her before placing his hand in her thigh.

"Yeah I just feel a little lonely without the girls." She rests her head on his shoulder as he comforts her.

"You'll see them again in a week and in the meantime you have me." She giggles and kisses him before she settles back on the sand.

They stay there in silence for a while before Dec stands up.

"Let me go!" She squeals when Dec lifts her up off the sand and flings her over his shoulder.

The tide had become to come in for the night and Dec wanted to make sure she was safe.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" She yells bombarding his back with her fists. "This isn't funny."

She says the last section whilst giggling as she did find it a little funny which meant her words were rich with irony.

"Am I laughing? Your not staying in the beach when the tide is coming in." She sighs before trying to kick her way out of his arms. "Stop it, Lilac. Let's go."

She continues to try and wiggle out of his arms but Dec wasn't having any of it.

Without thinking twice, he lifted his arm and slaps her arse. "I said stop."

As soon as Dec slaps her arse she stops trying to kick her way out of his arms and stays silent for a minute.

"You just slapped my arse." She mutters whilst I doll like shock plasters her face.

"What you like that?" Dec teases as he throws her down on his bed and begins to tickle her.

These two were always up to trouble.

OCEAN EYES [declan rice]      Where stories live. Discover now