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tw- Lilah obsesses over her body image, please don't read this if this chapter if this might be disturbing in any way x

5th July 2022

Today was Lilah's birthday and she was excited to be in Greece on her birthday even if she doesn't really acknowledge it.

Emily had told Dec that it was her little sisters birthday as she knew that Lilah wouldn't.

"Lilac, wake up." Dec leans over and kisses the birthday girl on her forehead who was lying in his bed next to him.

"That. Is. Not. My. Name." Lilah says as she is still half asleep.

"But it's fun." He chuckles before kissing her again and lays his head against her neck.

"Mhm." She says before opening her eyes before closing then again.

"Happy birthday love." Lilah quickly opens her eyes and turns over.

"How do you know?" She sits up before Dec laughs thinking it was joke.

"Oh, your sister told me." Lilah grabs a bobble off the side, as her hair was messy from her sleep, and runs out the room.

"Emily!" She runs around the villa looking for her sister whom she was about to kill.

"Yes dear sister?" Emily says whilst Lilah walks into the kitchen where she was making some breakfast for her.

"You told Dec it was my birthday?!"

"Yeah, he needed to know and I knew you weren't going to tell him." Lilahs hair was now in a messy bun on the top of her head whilst she sat on the island top.

"I don't acknowledge my birthday so yeah I wasn't going to tell him." She throws her arms in the arm before leaving over the counter and grabbing a fruit shoot that was in the counter.

"I'm glad she told me tho." Dec makes his way over to Lilah and takes her off the counter before sitting where she just was.

He pulls her in between his legs and gently pulls her head up to place a kiss on her lips.

"You guys are sickening, Lilah your breakfast is ready." Lilah giggles before kissing Dec again and sitting at the island as she waits patiently for her breakfast.

As Emily brings her plate to her, Dec creeps off to get something for Lilah.

"It's only small because I know you don't eat much but it's something." She thanks her before tucking in to her sausage sandwich that was placed in front of her.

After Lilah is done with her breakfast, she puts her plate in the sink to be washed but before she can wash it Dec creeps up behind her and scares her.

"Close her eyes." She giggles and does so before Dec turns her around.

She waits a few minutes before she gets impatient and starts to whine.

"Can I open them now?" She wriggles around as Decs hand falls on her hips and walks her someone else in the villa.

"Okay," he sounds nervously, "you can look now."

She uncovers her eyes and blinks so things come into focus especially on the thing in front of the girl.

"A paper flower bouquet?" She melts at the sigh of the beautiful flowers that he made for her.

"Do you like them?" He asks hesitantly as she takes them off the table to admire them closely.

"I love it!" She hold them gently to her chest so she doesn't crush them.

She hold his hand and squeeze it whilst he chuckles and replies, "Yeah."

"Deccc, thank you." She draws out in admiration of the floor as he made so delicately for her.

"There is also a little note." he points out on the bouquet and giggles was reading it.

It says: happy birthday lilac, who knew you'd fall for me so fast.

"Someone needs an ego boost." She says before placing them back on the table, giggling and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank you though, I really appreciate them."

She kisses him before they make their way back to Decs room for some thankful, birthday fun.


Lilah was getting ready to go to the club for her birthday.

It was her last night in Greece so they wanted to make it memorable and what more memorable than going to where they all met nearly 2 weeks ago.

She decided to wear a light blue dress which was a corset on the top half and a tight satin dress.

The dress was very flattering to her body and it pushes her boobs up but as she looked at herself in the mirror, it made her look at herself even more.

"Awe you look beautiful sis." Emily walks in all dressed up and Lilah suddenly feels significantly less beautiful.

"Thanks." She begins to compare their bodies which her sister quickly catch on and stops her.

"Stop it, you look stunning." Emily grabs her sister by the arms and turns her around so her back is too the mirror.

"But look at you and then look at me." She sighs before walking over to grab her phone.

"Stop it you look beautiful." The voice makes her stop in her tracks and turn around to face them. "Wow."

Dec walks over and places his hands on her hips whilst smirking.

"You look so sexy." He sways her hips in his hands before kissing her.

"Thank you." She blushes softly and smiles as she grinds about Dec.

"Don't do that because you know how that will end up." He says warningly but it turns the girl on even more.

"Maybe that's what I want." She laughs before Dec leads the way out of the villa.

She was some what upset that today was her last day because she knew when they went back to England, everything would change.

Including her relationship with Dec.

OCEAN EYES [declan rice]      Where stories live. Discover now