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24th June 2022

Lilah wakes up in a bed that isn't in her hotel that her sister booked for her holiday.

She looks around the room but doesn't see anything familiar, not even her suitcase.

Little did she know that it was only her and Dec in the villa as everyone else has gone to get their clothes.

The girls left in the morning so that they could still have full day in the pool and the beach so the boys went with them to speed up the process.

Lilah goes in her phone to check her notifications to see that she has a message from her sister.

{Emily💖 and Lilah💓}

We have gone to get our suitcases, the boys have
come with us x

Okk, I've only just woke up haha x

Your so lazy, don't sleep all the holiday away x

I won't, I was just up late x

I bet you were ;) x

As she read her sisters message, a flashback from last night comes into her head.

"I'm glad I met you tonight because now we can enjoy the next weeks together." Declan winks at the girl standing in front of him.

"Me too. Something tells me this is going to much more fun now I've met you." She follows him into his bedroom before he pins her to the door she just closed...

Her face heats up at the memory before she goes downstairs and begins to find the kitchen.

The villa the boys had rented was massive so it was difficult to find specific rooms without being told where they are.

She eventually finds the kitchen and begins to blast her music thinking she's the only person in the house.

But she wasn't.

Dec was already awake so when he heard the commotion downstairs he had to see what it was after finding out that everyone had gone to get the suitcases.

As he walked into the kitchen, where the music had been coming from, he saw Lilah swaying her hips to the song in nothing but a T-shirt.

He come feel all his blood rush to a sensitive part of his body before her clears his throat to announce his presence.

This startles Lilah as she turns around and sees Dec leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I um- I'm making breakfast, you want some?" She gestures to the pans on the stove before Dec walks towards her.

"Sure." He smirks before sitting at the breakfast bar spreading his legs to give himself some more room.

She turns back around as the food begins to finish so she can plate but Dec can't take his eyes of the girl in front of him.

"You look good in my T-shirt." He smirks as she looks over her shoulder and winks.

"I found it in the floor outside your room. Must've been there from last night." She giggles before she gives Dec a plate of the food.

"Where did you go last night by the way?" Dec asks as she placed her plate next to his and sits next to him.

"I didn't think you'd want me to stay in your bed so I went to a spare room." She looks down at her lap before Dec lifts her head up by placing a finger under her chin and rubbing her cheek.

"Your welcome to sleep in my bed whenever you want to." He kisses her cheek before they eat they breakfast and share light conversation.


Lilah had decided to explore the villa some more after getting ready for the day.

She wanted to familiarise herself some more before the rooms were full of people.

Dec was in his room, getting changed to go on the beach when Lilah walked in as her was pulling bus trunks on.

"Oh sorry. Just exploring." She smiles before going to walk out the room when Dec stops her.

"Wait. Um-" Dec couldn't find the words to say straight away but eventually he did. "I'm going to go do to the beach and I was wondering if you wanted to join." She quickly agreed with him before following him down to the beach.

She already had her bikini on that her sister had left in their room. She had wondered where she got it from but didn't mind as it meant she could go in the pool.

Dec and Lilah were walking to the beach when Dec asked her a question.

"Your sister mentioned a reason to your holiday. What is it?" He looks at the girl who was walking next to him and he couldn't help but notice how small but stunning she was.

"I'm going through a divorce and I wanted to get away from it all." She smiles at her before he stopped.

"How old are you?" Dec figured that if she was getting a divorce she either married really young or she was older than she looked.

"I'm 22." Dec stopped in his tracks and stared at her. "I got married when I was 18." She clarified as Dec looked very confused.

"Why so young? If you don't mind me asking." He quickly added the last bit on before she had time to answer the question.

"I thought I loved him, but it turns out I didn't know what love was then." She gently smiles and looks at the sand surrounding her feet. "It was an arranged marriage so I didn't really have a choice but then he went and cheated on me because I wasn't enough."

Dec takes a step closer to Lilah and gently lifts her head up so she's looking right at him.

"Lilac, you really are a beauty." She rolls her eyes at the name before she stares into his eyes.

Dec places his hands on Lilahs hips and pulls her towards him so their bodies are touching.

He leans in and kisses Lilah as she wraps her arms around his neck.

Little did they know they weren't the only ones who knew about their kiss as at the same time the rest had come back from the hotel and Emily had gone looking for her sister to find her in the beach kissing her best friend.

She didn't care though as she knew they were meant to be.

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