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Tracy's POV

There's like an hour till we're bout to head out to the club and Peep and Blue look faded as fuck. Not in a turnt way but more a boutta pass the fuck out can barely keep your eyes open and your head upright way.

Fuck Peep. What the fuck have you done to Blue??

I'm used to seeing Peep like this it's common for him but Blue was on a whole other level I ain't never seen her even close to before.

Bro has the girl of his dreams here and forgets how to look after her. It's like he forgets that the shit we do is actually dangerous. That it's gonna hit her ten times harder than it hits us because of her size and tolerance.

I cant help but wig the fuck out because if Peep is just as fucked up as Blue is, who's gon look out for her? I've seen some fucked up shit go down with her ex before, who's to say it won't happen again?

I keep tryna distract myself because I find myself low key feeling kinda angry at Peep. Protect your girl bro. Damn.

Peep's got his shades on. That's how I know he's way past the point of faded. His head is slumped onto his shoulder and he's occasionally speaking but mostly jibberish.

Blue looks like she's passed out in his lap, but every now and then she sits up and looks around as if she has no idea where the fuck she is.

I know I ain't in a place to judge considering i'm just as fucked up as Peep is. But I don't know bro. I just feel like if I had someone to protect, someone who I had brought into this lifestyle, i'd be hella cautious of that.

Damn why am I so caught up in my own head right now?

"Aight let's fucking go" Mackned says, keen to head out. Peep and Blue don't look like they should be going anywhere except bed but I cut them two lines of coke to try and straighten them out.

Blue can barely lift her head but she snorts her line and starts to perk up a lil. Peep does the same. Enough to get them out the door at least anyway.

In the club I don't take my eyes off Blue. Peep is too fucked up to even know what the fuck is going on and I don't want her getting spiked or some shit again. Damn it Peep.

I'm sitting in a booth, Peep is basically passed out. Blue is sat in front of me. "You aight B?" I ask. Her eyes look vacant. She nods as if she were in slow mo. "You sure?"

"Immmmm fineeeeeee" she slurs. Fuck being around these two right now is sobering me the fuck up. Imma have to have a chat to Peep about this when he's sober too. This shit is fucking whack.

I wish Trav was here.

TracyyMinajj🧛🏿‍♀️: my homie u gotta come hang soon

Trav‼️: for sure my man how u doin

TracyyMinajj: idk peep and blue are fucked up rn

Trav‼️: they ok??

TracyyMinajj: they'll be aight im keepin an eye

Trav‼️: hmu if u need help man and get blue to call me before she goes to bed

TracyyMinajj🧛🏿‍♀️: bet

As soon as I look up from my phone Blue is gone. Bro what the fuck... I took my eyes off of her for like 2 fucking minutes?

I try to communicate this shit to Peep but he's got no idea what the fuck i'm even saying. He's on another fucking planet right now.

Fuck. I'm starting to panic a little cuz there's no way her being alone in this place as fucked up as she is right now is going to be good. I get up and start searching the whole club for her. I tell the other guys to keep an eye out too.

TracyyMinajj🧛🏿‍♀️: if i don't txt u in the next hour pull up to switch

Trav‼️: will do man is everything okay?

TracyyMinajj🧛🏿‍♀️: can't find B rn ill txt u if i do

Trav‼️: fuxkkk ok ok

Where the fuck are you B????

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