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Blue's POV

Where the fuck am I.....

I don't remember a single thing from last night after being alone with Peep in the bus...

I can feel my phone in my hand, I sit up and check it immediately, head throbbing and mouth as dry as cotton.

The fuck?? It's still night time? Wait it's 3am?? 11 missed calls from Tracy, 14 missed calls from Travis, 4 missed calls from Mackned and 3 from Peep alongside a bunch of texts that were basically indecipherable.

Peep🐣: bleoij whrie are u

Peep🐣: bluww cone backl plesfee

Suddenly my stomach drops as I recall something from the start of the night that I had forgotten and I wish I never remembered. I feel sick at the thought. I can literally feel my heart physically aching in my chest.

There he was. My Gus. Kissing another girl in the club.

After everything we went through together. After everything we had.

He was my home... he was my everything in this fucked up world...

I'm so caught up in the thought of it that I had completely disregarded the fact that I still have no fucking idea where I am.

I scan the room. I'm in someone's living room?? I think? I cant tell it's so fucking dark in here. On the floor?

What the fuck is going on...

Suddenly I hear a loud banging that startled me. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" a voice belts.


Then I hear glass shattering behind me.. I turn around, absolutely shitting myself only to see Travis climbing to me through the broken window.

"BLUE" Travis yells, immediately wrapping his arms around me. I'm still so confused but I hug him back.

"What the fucks going on Travis??" I say, teary eyed and exhausted. Then I breakdown completely at the thought of Peep...I'm scream crying in Travis's arms as he struggles to contain me. I can barely fucking breathe.

Travis just holds me for a moment while trying to calm me down. "Where the fuck am I?" I ask finally. "Blue I have no fucking idea...I found you using your snap location" he says. My stomach sinks as I vaguely recall Travis texting me at some point telling me to make my location visible.. thank god I listened in the state I was in.

"Let's get you outta here" he says, grabbing my arm and leading me back out the way he came in, careful to make sure I didn't cut myself on the broken glass. I was so wobbly still that I managed to end up with a pretty deep gash on my arm.

"Fuck" I mutter, inspecting the damage, blood everywhere. "Jesus Blue careful" Travis says. I rip a part of my shirt off and tie it over the cut trying to stop the bleeding with some sort of makeshift bandage.

Trav leads me away from the strange house, but I step back to look at it for a second and try piece together some of what happened. I can barely make it out in the dark... but the house starts to trigger memories.

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