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Kayla's POV

I see the way he looks at her and my stomach churns. What does she have that I don't? Why can't he smile at me like that?

The worst part was that she is pretty. Like, really fucking pretty. She's got no makeup on, it looks like she's just woken up or something. She's in a pair of socks and what looks like Peep's shirt. Her hair is a fucking mess. She had these light freckles across her nose and cheeks. I wish I could lie to myself and say I wasn't jealous of her. But I cant. How couldn't I be when she's sitting there, all wrapped up in his arms, in his shirt.

Giving her every shred of his attention. Kissing her head, laughing at her jokes, rolling her blunts. God I could throw up. This hurts more than I could have ever imagined. What the fuck is wrong with me.

I just wish I knew what she did right to have him wrapped around her goddamn damn finger like that. She's the luckiest girl in the world and I wonder if she even knows it. If she realises how many girls want to be in her place.

I've been a fan of Peep's for years. I heard through people that she didn't even listen to his music before she met him. I would understand him better. Not her.

Peep was never rude to me. But he didn't give me any sort of attention he gives her. They look so fucking in love. I can feel myself heating up so I have to remove myself from the scene before I blow up. Then they start to kiss and my heart drops into my stomach.

I cant watch it anymore. I leave the room. I need a fucking drink. Or bleach for my damn eyes. I wish I didn't have to see that.

I stand in the kitchen sipping a vodka coke. Secretly praying they wouldn't last to myself in my head. Suddenly she walks in. She's grabbing a drink.

"Hi" I say. I'm curious. I want to know what she has that I don't. I want to find out.

She turns around and smiles at me. Perfect fucking teeth and a slight dimple in her cheek. Go figure. "Hey" she responds, her voice soft. "I'm Kayla" I say.

"Blue" she replies. Blue? What kind of a fucking name is that? "Interesting one!" I say. She awkwardly chuckles. "Yeah it's a bit different I suppose.."

"So where you from Blue?" I ask. Before she can answer Peep has followed her in to check on her. Why not me.

He pulls her into a hug from behind, they're both all giggly. Disgusting. He whispers something in her ear and she follows him to his bedroom.

You think you were having a bad day? Think again. That was the worst 30 minutes of my life.

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