Chapter 62: Scott POV

Start from the beginning

I sighed again. "Fine. Whatever. Let's go."

Jimmy walked a little ahead of me through the halls of the castle.

I don't think he noticed how he skipped every other step, or how his arms swung perfectly in rhythm with his body as he walked.

I blinked, stuffing my hands in my pockets, and staring at the ground instead of Jimmy, struggling to stop old feelings from resurfacing. He would never fully forgive me for everything, so why hope?

"Hey, you good?" He asked, turning around after noticing how I had started to trail behind.

"Yeah I-" I started before I was cut off from voice in the room beside us. I raised an eyebrow, approaching the door to eavesdrop. Jimmy came closer beside me, listening in as well.

"Katherine, we cannot keep him here. The meadows are freezing, Hyacinth cannot withstand-" Came the voice of whom I recognized as Katherine's mother, Giselle.

"Mom, please. His sister is still in the apothecary- I don't know how he'll react if I have to separate them-"

"Katherine Elizabeth this cannot keep going. The citizens are complaining about snowfall in July!"

"I know. I know." Katherine sighed. "We've tried mom, I don't know what else to do for him-"

"Well, you and the others will have to find something if he is going to stay here. I am not fond of him, and he brings destruction and violence everywhere he goes." Giselle said, and for the first time getting angry.

"What are you talking about? Scott," There it is. "doesn't do that-"

"He has dragged the Overgrown into two wars, even if he didn't start the first. His comments are barbaric and look at what he's doing to the empire. Either he straightens out and acts properly, taking back the cold, or he leaves. No negotiation."

The entire time I had stayed still, listening, chewing on the inside of my cheek till I tasted blood. Great. This was just great.

Jimmy suddenly pushed the door open before I could stop him, and I pressed myself against the wall so the two in the room wouldn't see me. "I heard raised voices. What's happening?" Jimmy asked, entering the room.

I heard Katherine sigh. "Nothing, it's just... we need Scott to calm down." She said. "The cold is getting to everyone."

"I could work with him." Jimmy suggested.

"Work with him- I'm sorry but we don't have time to work with him." Giselle said with an exasperated tone, not aimed at Jimmy, but at me despite the fact she didn't even know I was there.

"Give me three days." Jimmy said confidently.

"Jimmy, is that really the best idea? Considering your history with-" Katherine started.

"Three days." Jimmy repeated, cutting her off.

"Fine. But if you can't...pacify...him by then, he as to go." Giselle agreed. No answer from Jimmy led me to assume he had nodded, because he reentered the hall again a moment later. He jerked his head down the hall, silently telling me to follow him.

"Jimmy." I hissed in a hushed voice despite being out of earshot.

"We'll talk about it after our walk." Jimmy said, dismissing what we had just overheard.

"No- You don't realize-" I stammered, stumbling over my words in slight panic. "I can't-"

"You can. We might as well start now." Jimmy sighed, stopping.

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