"Yeah, you'll be doing it for us too. Especially Tex, his ass seems to always be into some shit." Spike laughs and the rest of them join in. I grin at them and look at Tex who's standing next to Spike.

"Well, looks like I owe you even more Tex, 'cause I fucked up my hand this time." Everyone laughs as I lift my hand to Tex, and he grins grabbing it to look over my knuckles.

"You laid into him pretty hard, Lil. I'd be surprised if this middle one isn't busted. Let's get these taken care of." Tex winks at me, releasing my hand.

"Nitro, prez wants to do church as soon as you two are able. He wants Lily in there." Spike looks to Dawson who's standing beside me with his hand on the small of my back.

"Alright, let him know we'll be there as soon as we get her bandaged." Dawson nods to him before grinning down at me.

"Will do" Spike says as we all turn to walk towards the clubhouse. Dawson slips his arm around my waist and pulls me close to walk next to him.

"I told you. You're home, Little One." Dawson whispers and I can't help but smile.

Despite everything I've been through, I have found peace again. I know it will take time to get through everything Steven has done, but I will get through it. My nightmare is almost over.

I can finally move out of the fucking city. I can have my dreams back. I can have my family and friends back. I can have my life back.

Now, I have a new family...a bigger one. The family I was supposed to have before mom took me away from it.

I think about mom and why she made the decision she did. I could make the same. If Rafe and the Cartel want me, they will find me. Just as the rival club found her.

The only difference would be, they gave her a quick death. If the cartel or Rafe found me, my death wouldn't be as kind. I would be given a torturous death, that would slowly kill me over time. I would be sold into sex slavery.

The club knows this. The club has made their claim that I am family, and they want to fight, to help me. As the club once wanted to do for mom and she refused them out of fear, thinking she was the hero, and she would save the club. She died for the club, but in doing so, she took herself away from dad and me. And me, from the club.

I won't do that to Dawson, dad, and Taz. I won't run and make them suffer. I will stand with them, and this club, and fight to keep them as they want to fight to keep me. I won't let Steven win any more. He doesn't get to make me suffer any more. This ends now. Steven's control over my life, ends now.

We enter the clubhouse and Dawson leads me straight to the infirmary behind Tex. The rest of the guys take off towards the bar to find Bruce.

Twenty minutes later, Tex has my hand cleaned up, bandaged and a pack of ice on it for the swelling. Dawson and I thank him before leaving him and make our way towards the church room.

"Church" Bruce yells as he sees Dawson and I walk into the bar. I'm nervous, I don't know what Bruce is going to say about what we have found out and I'm not sure what things Dawson is going to have to tell him.

Entering the church room, Dawson leads me to his seat and pulls me down onto his lap.

"Hand on the table, Little One." Dawson demands and I lay my right hand on the table as Dawson places the ice back over my swollen knuckles.

"What the hell happened?" Dad asks glaring at us as he leans over the table in front of us.

"He said something I didn't like." I shrug at him and his lips curve up into a smile.

Lily's Protector - Wolves MCWhere stories live. Discover now