Chapter 22

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I put the finishing touches on dinner, while Nitro and Taz unloaded a few boxes from Taz's truck. From what Nitro told me earlier, Taz brought extra security cameras for the house, some more ammo and more food all as a precaution since we don't know if anyone is after me or how long I will be here. When they're finish unloading, they make their way into the kitchen to wash their hands.

"We can help with that" Taz says behind me as I set the kitchen table. He tries to grab the plates out of my hands but I'm too fast and move out of his reach. I hear Nitro laugh behind us at Taz's expression of defeat and it makes me grin.

"I've got this." I fan my hand at them shooing them away like flies. I finish setting the table and begin bringing the food over. It's been months since I've had a family dinner, and it's long overdue. I used to love the monthly dinners with dad and Taz. Sometimes it was just the three of us, and others, I invited my friends over. We would sometimes go out but for the most part, dad or I cooked.

Nitro and Taz join me at the table, and I smile as they dive in, moaning about how good it is. For the next hour, we eat while Taz tells stories from both mine and Nitro's childhoods. Stories that Nitro and I haven't told each other yet. The three of us talk like we've been doing this together for years. I guess we have in a way, just not together.

"You two look like no time has passed." Taz says after swallowing another bite of food, from his second helping. He's grinning, watching Nitro and I laugh at something Nitro has said. I shake my head at Taz through my laughter, not knowing what he means.

"What do you mean, Pops?" Nitro takes another pull from his beer glancing at me, also in a state of confusion by what Taz has said.

"You two use to be inseparable as kids." Taz confesses, setting his fork down on his plate. I look at Nitro and realize that must be the reason we feel so completely comfortable together. We had been inseparable once before and never knew it. What the fuck is happening right now?

"Hold up, we knew each other?" Nitro's face goes serious as he sets his beer down and leans on the table. I can't tell if he's pissed or surprised.

"Yep, when you were both little before they left." Taz keeps eye contact with Nitro as he speaks, nodding at me when he says 'they'.

"Why did we leave?" I set my beer on the table and look at Taz. I'm trying to make sense of what Taz has told us and also finding this the perfect time for him to answer my questions.

"I think your dad should answer that for you, Little Bit." He tries to bat away the question but I'm not having it. He opened this pandora's box, again, and this time he's going to finish.

"I'm not asking dad. I've done that once and it didn't go well. So, I'm asking you, Taz." I insist and I can tell that he is struggling with telling me. He leans back in his chair and plays with his beer bottle.

"It feels like I'm betraying your dad, Little Bit." He looks up at me, his blue eyes full of concern. Yeah, I know how betrayal feels.

"I'm sorry, Taz, but I feel betrayed too." I tell him being completely honest with him. We stare at each other for a minute, and I know he's thinking what he should do.

"Fuck, what do you want to know?" he asks setting his beer on the table in front of him and I hear Nitro laugh at how Taz has given in to me.

"Why did we leave?" I sit back in my chair, watching him as he watches me.

"Your mother forced him too. Gave him an offer he couldn't refuse." He sips his beer glancing from me to Nitro.

"Which was?" I raise an eyebrow at him and ask him nervously.

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