Chapter 40

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We arrive at the clubhouse an hour later, with Dawson and I still not talking. It is the longest we've been without talking, except when we're sleeping. I have so many emotions going on right now, that I don't know what to say and I don't want to say the wrong thing. So, I say nothing.

Dawson lets out a low growl in the back of his throat when he sees the parking lot is packed with bikes and cars. I am also not in the mood to deal with this many people. Although a drink sounds phenomenal right now.

He pulls the truck around the back of the clubhouse as I sit looking out my window at the guys parking their bikes in the spaces next to us. I watch them as I twirl a strand of my hair around my finger lost in thought.

I'm trying to figure out just how I'm feeling, and I can't fucking get a handle on one thing to focus on. I feel angry, humiliated, and sad. Being sad is making me angry. Being humiliated is making me angry. It's all leading back being angry.

I have been taken advantage of, abused, raped and possibly sold to a Mexican cartel. I have put the club in a horrible situation, and I was stupid to act out the way I did. Now, the whole club is probably pissed at me when all I was trying to do was not get them involved.

Dawson is probably pissed at me for making a fool out of myself, and him. I should have trusted him. I should have listened to him. I should have allowed him to handle this.

And Tara. Fuck don't get me started on Tara and my insecurities with Dawson on that one.

It's all just making me fucking angry. I know I'm going to snap, or worse, break the fuck down.

"Little one? Please talk to me." Dawson's fingers tighten around mine as he speaks softly to me. I can hear the worry in his voice as I turn and look at him, leaning my head on the headrest.

He is so sexy. Even after the events of the night, he looks perfect. His black hair is slightly ruffled but in a sexy, I just kicked ass way. He's shirtless showing off his tanned skin, tattoos, and muscles. His eyes are a deep blue and their full of worry searching my face for answers.

He brushes the outside of his finger against my jawline, and I swear I see the hint of love and desire in his eyes. The same look I've seen several times at the cabin and each time it makes my heart melt.

Could this man love me? Or am I just something for him to pass the time until he gets bored and casts me aside like Tara? I didn't realize until being back here how much Tara's words have actually affected me.

As if knowing my internal struggle, he leans into me until his lips are only inches away from mine. His closeness silences every thought in my mind and all that matters is him.

"Soon, you will never question how I feel, or what you mean to me, Little One." he whispers and gently kisses my lips.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He whispers and gets out of the truck. He comes around to open my door and helps me out before scooping me up into his arms.

Texas, Tank, Gunner, Snake and Butch are standing around their bikes talking, waiting on Dawson's instructions.

"Tank and Tex, when they get here, take the motherfucker to the shed. You three take the trucks back to our place, use the van or the shop truck if you need to. I'm taking her to Nora and then to get cleaned up. Make sure they don't kill the motherfucker before I get back." He advises and they all agree with nods or yes sirs.

The dominance Dawson has is so completely unlike Steven's. Steven demands it, punishes and humiliates to get it. He barks orders at his staff, and at me. His aura is arrogant and narcissistic. Dawson is demanding but not in a controlling way. He encourages them and leans on their strengths as much as they lean on his. It's a partnership and he's the leader. The one in command. The one they respect with the plan to make things come together and to make the final decisions. I find it sexy as hell.

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