Chapter 9

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I open my eyes to the faint sound of metal hitting metal to stare up at a ceiling made entirely of beautiful, dark stained wood...that I do not recognize. Sitting up in a panic, I notice that the walls around me are also made of the same beautiful dark wood, and I realize that I am at a cabin. Recalling the events from last night, Nitro mentioned taking me to his place and I wonder if this is it.

It isn't what I was expecting – the room is cozy, comfortable even. Besides the large bed that I am on, a white dresser sits to my right between two doors, one that leads into a bathroom and the other, I assume to be a closet. A dark brown leather chair sits across from me near a window that is draped with blue and white plaid curtains. To my left, there is another door that I am assuming leads into the house. Around the walls of the room are framed pictures of motorcycles, except for the one above the bed behind me, which is a large, framed painting of a breathtaking mountain view.

Hearing the sound of metal again, I realize it's coming from outside. I scoot off the bed and walk across the room to the window to check it out. When I pull back the curtains to look, I gasp at the sight of a shirtless Nitro, kneeling down in front of a Harley motorcycle with his back to me.

Covering majority of his back is a tattoo of the Wolves MC patch – a black and gray wolf with red eyes with the word Wolves tattooed in black above it. Surrounding the massive tattoo, is black scroll work that trails up to the base of his neck and disappears over his shoulders and down the length of both of his arms. The heavy lines of the black ink against his tan skin is fucking beautiful as it accentuates every curve of his muscles.

He picks up a wrench from the ground next to him and taps it on something in front of him, before placing the wrench back down on the ground. I watch as the muscles on his back and arms move with every movement he makes and how the lines of his tattoos make each movement sexier. Fuck, he is a gorgeous man. I bite down on my lower lip and continue to watch him until he glances over his shoulder to look behind him at the cabin. Dropping the curtain, I jump back feeling my cheeks grow hot. Fuck.

I lean against the wall hoping he didn't spot me staring at him again. Fuck, why can't I stop looking at him? I shake my head to snap myself out of my thoughts and spot my suitcases on the floor next to the door. Walking over, I pull them onto the bed, open them up and begin to shuffle through them pulling out clothes to change into. Deciding on an outfit, I grab my small bathroom bag and head into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Twenty minutes later, I am showered, dressed in jeans and a crop top and my trusty converse. I dry my hair and apply a light coat of makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror, I shrug wondering why the hell I've even bothered with makeup when he isn't going to care what I look like. He's only doing a favor for my dad and that's it. I feel silly thinking that a man like Nitro would even look at a woman like me. Someone as sexy and hot as he is, has surely been with beautiful women. Sexy women. Biker women. Whores. Hell, there's probably one around his house right now, waiting to see who the fuck is in her home. Besides, my pathetic ass is attached to Steven and I'm a fucking killer. So, yeah, don't think Nitro's going to be beating down my door anytime soon.

I shake my head disgusted that I'm even wondering what kind of woman he finds attractive when I should be wondering if I'm going to prison for killing a man. Or, if Steven is going to get his way and have me at the mansion before the sun goes down.

I begin to wring my hands again thinking of all the horrible things that have happened. Fuck, I can't seem to catch a fucking break. I live with years of problems, finally find peace and then damn if shit doesn't hit me again. The sad part is, this bullshit with Steven started happening months ago. What's happening now with the murders, is just the fucking icing on the cake for me. I'm beginning to believe I'm cursed, and happiness just simply isn't in the cards for me. It definitely isn't, if Steven has anything to do with it.

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