Chapter 34

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Lily is feeling nervous about this bullshit with Steven, about Lawman being here, and with Tara, and I can tell. I fucking hate that she's going through this shit, and I hate that I had to make it worse by Tara being here. I had no choice but to tell Lily about her now, I couldn't not tell and risk her being blindsided. The last thing I want, is to put her in the situation of being blindsided by one more thing.

I promised to tell her the truth, and to be up front with her, to not leave her in the dark, and I fucking meant it. Even if I know the truth will hurt her, I refuse to hide anything from her. I've seen how badly that hurts her and I refuse to hurt her. Fuck, I just want to protect her.

Lily and I turn to leave Spike's office and I glance over my shoulder to see Spike still leaning against the desk grinning at us.

"Lawman is going to kill you after this is over." Spike laughs as he pushes off his desk and follows us out of his office. Yeah, Lawman might try.

Opening Spike's office door, we are instantly hit with the clubhouse's cheers welcoming Lawman, and I feel Lily go tense in front of me. Being the clubhouse lawyer, Lawman is pretty popular around the club, so whenever he's here, the club likes to show their love to him.

Pulling Lily by the hand, I turn us around before we are seen and lead her down the hallway and around the corner where the stairs to the second floor are located, to hide us. I lean her against the wall, placing my elbow on the wall next to her head and lean into her.

"Talk to me, Little One." I can see the fear in her eyes of what is beginning to unfold. She's going to go into a panic if I don't get her out of it and fast. I touch her face and rub my finger along her jawline, knowing exactly what pulls her touch.

"I'm not ready for this, Dawson. I'm not ready for him to know about Steven, he's going to be so fucking disappointed in me." The tears start to fall from her now blue eyes, and I wipe them away. Fuck, I hate seeing her hurting like this.

"He isn't going to be disappointed, Little One, because there's nothing to be disappointed in. He's going to be pissed about what this motherfucker did to his daughter. That is all. As far as him knowing, baby, I'll make sure he doesn't know the extent of what the motherfucker did to you. I promise." I can see how upset she still is, and this time my words, and my hand alone, aren't helping.

She stares up at me with those eyes that beg me to help her escape. I know what she needs. She needs me and all I want, is to make her forget, to calm her mind and to kiss her until her anxiety goes away. I run my thumb over her jawline and lean down to softly kiss her.

Fuck, I know I probably shouldn't be kissing her here where Lawman could possibly find us, but I can't help myself. She needs me. Besides, he's going to find out that she's mine sooner or later.

Fighting the urge to force my tongue into her mouth and devour her, I pull away to see the hunger in her eyes.

"Little One, I want nothing more than to pick you up and disappear to our room upstairs, to make all those thoughts leave your beautiful mind, but I can't. I need to take care of this and make sure you're safe." I kiss her forehead and look down into her wanting eyes. She's biting her lower lip knowing it drives me crazy.

I take my thumb and press down on her lip pulling it down so she's no longer biting it. Seeing her mouth open, and the need for me burning in her eyes, I can't fight the urge any longer. I lean down and kiss her once more, this time devouring her mouth.

"You ready?" I ask her as my lips finally release hers, and she nods as I can see the calmness in her eyes now. Fuck, I love the affect I have on her.

I take her hand, leading her down the hall back towards the bar. Lawman spots us as soon as we step into the bar near Pop's table. He looks from Lily back to me and I can see the anger on his face.

It probably doesn't look good. We're walking hand in hand, faces flushed from our kiss and walking out of the hallway leading from the clubhouse rooms. Yep, if I were her dad, I'd be pissed right now too.

We stand near the entrance to the hallway as he approaches and I stand my ground, not letting go of her hand. Her grip in my hand tightens and I know she's not backing down either.

The bar has gone quiet except for the music that is still pumping through the speakers. I can feel everyone's eyes on us, I'm sure waiting for me to get knocked to my feet, or for me to claim here right here in front of everyone.

When Lawman reaches us, surprisingly he turns his gaze to Lily and smiles reaching down to pick her up in his arms causing her to drop my hand.

"Hey, sweetheart." He says to her holding her off the floor in a bear hug as he's shooting me daggers with his cold blue eyes. It dawns on me that I've never been on the receiving end of this man's wrath until now.

"Hey, dad." Lily hugs him back and he sets her back down on her feet. She instantly reaches back for my hand, and I give it to her with pride, lacing my fingers between hers. Lawman notices and glares at me as if he's about to kill me.

"Nitro, I swear to fucking god." Lawman starts coming after me, his hands in fists but Lily blocks him putting her hands on his chest.

"I'm not going to hurt her, Lawman." I shake my head at him, knowing that's exactly what he's afraid of.

"Not now, dad. You two can have a pissing contest later, but not now." She insists and I feel my chest swell with pride. Minutes ago, she was crying, scared to face him and now, look at her.

"You're a fucking dead man walking, Nitro." Lawman growls at me, pointing his finger at me. I deserve it. The one thing he asked me was to not touch his daughter and I've touched his daughter and I'm fucking claiming her. I'd be pissed too.

"Dad!" Lily shouts at him pulling his death stare from me to her. "I am not a little girl anymore and it would be best if you would keep that in mind. Now please. I'm sure these people would like to continue with their good time and I, for one, would like to get this fucking evening over with."

"I second that, Lily." Bruce's deep voice yells from behind Lawman as he starts heading in our direction.

Fuck, I'm proud of my woman. A few minutes ago, she was scared, now she's fierce as she protects me in front of the entire club. Definitely, fucking falling for this woman.

"Come on, my office, now. Taz and Spike, both of you too." Bruce says as he reaches us before continuing to the crowd, "The rest of you, mind your own fucking business and get back to drinking." Bruce puts his arm over Lawman's shoulder and turns him towards his office and away from us.

"I can't go in there." Lily turns to me, her face white. The lioness that just took her dad down in front of a packed clubhouse, is now standing before me telling me she's afraid again. I'm the only one that gets to see what's really going on in that beautiful head of hers. Fuck, I am so lucky.

"I know, Little One. You're going to stay right here with the guys. I will have Tank look after you. Ok?" I run my fingers over her cheek, and she calms at my touch. She nods as I take her over to Tank and leave her, playing pool with them. 

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