"Got it." I grin with my hands up in surrender. "So, does this mean you do or don't want to hear that I asked her to be my old lady." I can't help it. I need to know where the boundaries lie, right?

"Damn, son." Pops laughs shaking his head at my continued teasing of Lawman. Fuck, it's great to be happy instead of angry all the fucking time.

"That I want to know. You got her leathers ordered?" Lawman places his arm on the table and takes a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, Eagle should have ordered it yesterday." I say taking a bite of my breakfast.

"You ask her to marry you yet?" Lawman cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Gonna ask her after we get out of here. I figured this place was fine for the old lady part but not when I ask her to be my wife. That is going to be special." I grin at him thinking of all the ways I want to ask her.

"Good. She loves the sentimental shit. There was a time she bawled her eyes out because a group of kids put together a song for her. She was a babbling mess." Lawman smiles recalling the memory.

"I remember that. Hell, Hannah and Jenna were babbling messes too. It was a few months before Little Bit left the school. It was four seniors; they were suicide survivors. The song had a double meaning for them and hell, it got Lawman and me too." Pops grins and I can tell he's recalling the memory as he drinks his coffee.

"What song was it?" I ask them curiously.

"A rock version of I Will Always Love You. They fucking killed it too." Pops says smiling proudly. He was the one that pushed music on everyone he could to help them. Lily does the same, and she fucking loves it just as much as he does.

"That's incredible." I sit back and wish I could have been there to experience it with her. I promise, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Lily has her dream.

"Church" Bruce calls and we push our plates aside and head to the church room. Each of us taking our designated seats as Bruce begins.

"Anything new since the last time?" Bruce asks, glancing from me to Spike.

"Yeah, seems Lily knows Rafe, but she had no clue he was cartel. Steven would take her on trips where they would meet him along with two other men. Marcus and Tom, who Spike has confirmed, neither are in the cartel. Lily did tell me that she found Steven and Rafe fighting about something three months ago while they were on one of these trips. She believes they were fighting about drugs but couldn't make it out before Steven saw her." I glance between Bruce and the other men at the table as I speak.

"What are you thinking, Nitro?" Bruce cocks his eyebrow at me, resting his arms on the armrests of his chair.

"I think Steven was stealing from the cartel. The money in the offshore accounts matches only some of the withdraws from his personal accounts. So, we know he was only taking from himself to give to himself elsewhere without it being traced. There's over two million that, Spike, can't account for. He had to get it somewhere." I tell him confidently.

"That's a lot of drugs for two million." Bruce shakes his head. He's not wrong. An amount like that, could get someone life in prison if you're caught by the cops and death, by torture, if caught by the cartel.

"Sure is. And this guy is arrogant enough to think he could pull it off." I tell him. We know very well that Steven is arrogant and narcissistic. I continue to tell Bruce my thoughts as the other men listen,

"If they're coming after him, it will be to kill him. That's why we haven't heard anything from the news media. The cartel is covering this shit up. During that trip three months ago, Rafe warned him, as his friend, that he was fucking up and then after that the texts became less friendly. They were coming for him, and I think he was holding out waiting on Lily as long as he could before leaving the country. The guards at the house. I bet they were not there on a regular basis. He knew they were on to him, and he knew, he was a dead man." I tell Bruce my suspensions and I can see the same conclusion in his brown eyes.

Lily's Protector - Wolves MCWhere stories live. Discover now