"Thank you for telling me, Dawson." he is protecting me again. With him, I am told everything, never kept in the dark or left blindsided. He truly cares for me.

I kiss him gently on the lips as he holds me tightly to him. When he releases me, he slides off the bike and we walk towards the clubhouse with his fingers laced in mine.

There are a few bikers out front on the porch talking and two of them start walking towards us. They're both young, maybe twenty, if I had to guess. The names on their cuts are Army and Rebel and where Dawson's Sgt-at-Arms patch is, theirs reads Prospect.

"The bike is at the cabin. It's ready to go. You can go pick it up when you're done here." Dawson pulls out a set of keys from his pocket and tosses them at the guy. I wonder if Dawson's talking about the black and orange motorcycle in his garage that he recently finished doing some modifications on.

"Thanks, man." Rebel catches the keys in his hand and reaches for his back pocket.

"We'll settle up later, I've got business right now." Dawson tells him and opens the door to the clubhouse, the noise and smell of smoke hitting us immediately.

Dawson holds my hand as we walk inside, and I want to freeze at how fucking crowded the place is. Everyone is drinking, laughing and having a great time. It's a party in here, and one that I would definitely love to get in to, to release some of my built-up anger, but now isn't the time.

Dawson leads me to the pool tables where his Enforcers are hanging out. There's, what I assume to be, a whore on Tank's lap and another one on Snake's, as they watch the game between Texas, Spike, Gunner and Butch. The whores eye me up and down and then turn their attention back to Tank and Snake.

"Spike hurry up and finish them. We have business to take care of." Dawson demands looking down at Spike as he lines up his next shot.

"What the hell man?" Gunner grins at Dawson, giving him a friendly shove on his shoulder which doesn't seem to move Dawson at all. He's a solid wall of muscle.

"Well, hell would freeze over if you guys won against them." Dawson laughs as do all the people around us.

I can't help but smile at them, despite the anger and thoughts running in my head at what's happening with Steven. They're cute, like brothers giving each other a hard time. The thought makes me hate my mom for taking me away from all this. To think that I could have grown up with these guys. With Dawson. Fuck, I missed out on so much.

Spike sinks the shot and there are cheers around us. He starts to line up his eight-ball shot to win the game when I see a woman standing across from us near the bar, watching us.

She has shoulder length blonde hair and full-face makeup. She's wearing a tight black skirt that barely covers her ass, a tight pink top that shows the curves of her large fake tits and black stilettos. She's pretty and exactly the type of woman I expected Dawson would be with. Not someone like me, wearing hip hugger jeans, a tiny crop top and biker boots.

Dawson's arm squeezes around my waist, pulling me closer into him and I watch as the girls face falls with a mix of sadness and anger. This must be Tara.

Spike sinks the eight ball and yells, "Fuck yeah. Hundred bucks, man." He holds out his hand to Butch who hands him the cash. Spike hands Texas his share and then Dawson and I follow Spike into his office.

"So, I'm sure Nitro has filled you in." Spike turns to me after closing the door shutting out the sounds and smells of the bar. And Tara.

"Yes, so what now?" I tell him trying to push Tara out of my mind. I wonder if she always dresses like that. It's the same way Steven made me dress. Is that what attracted Dawson to her?

"We'll talk to Bruce and Lawman first, catch them up on what we know so far. Minus, the extent of the photos and your relationship. That will stay between the three of us." Dawson pulls a chair and straddles the back staring up at me.

"And what if he doesn't want to get involved?" I ask him, sitting down in a chair across from him. Time to focus on the real bullshit at hand. Steven. Fuck Tara for right now.

"He will. Lawman asked the club to protect you and that's what we will do." Dawson places his hands on the top of the chair and laces his fingers together.

"So that's it, you just tell Bruce and dad and we're done?" I ask him, waving my hand in the air as if it's that simple.

"No, after we speak to them. Prez will call church and then bring it to the club's ranked leaders." Dawson informs me. Fuck. More people that will know. This is getting to be too much. All because I couldn't take care of this shit by myself.

"When will that happen and who are the ranked leaders?" This is sounding more and more to me like a problem. My problem...that is quickly turning into everyone else's problem. Fuck.

"It's an immediate threat, so it will happen as soon as we're finished updating them. The ranked leaders are me, Spike, Bruce, Pops, Lawman, Snake, Eagle and Coins. Snake doubles as an Enforcer and the Road Captain. Eagle is our secretary and Coins is the treasurer. You know the rest of us." His voice is low and calming. His eyes are searching mine for understanding and I'm not sure what to say. I don't fucking want this to happen but how can I say that now?

"Ok." That's a lot of men to know my fucking business. To know what a whore I am and to know what I've done. Even if it isn't all of it, it's enough. I am my dad's disappointment of a daughter.

Fuck, I should have taken care of this myself. Maybe there's still time for me to fix this. Maybe I can talk some sense into Steven, or better yet, plead self-defense without getting the club involved. I just need to find a fucking way out of here.

Dawson stands and walks to me bending down in front of me and places his hands on my knees. The touch of his hands on me makes me want to disappear back to his house where I can escape and only think of him.

"It's going to be ok, Little One. We're going to end this, and you will be free." His voice is in a whisper. He's trying to reassure me, and it makes me fall for him even more. He only wants to take care of me, and I am the one causing problems. Me and my fucked up past.

"I just wish it didn't have to be this way." I place my hands on top of his and look into his blue eyes. I want to run my hand through his jet-black hair and kiss those full lips and have his beard tickle my skin. I want him to take me away from him and make me forget everything.

"Little One, we've all thought that before, about many different things." He grins and Spike says, "Cheers to that brother". I glance over at Spike as he tosses back the beer in his hands, draining the bottle.

"Fine, let's do this then." I wave my hand and Dawson stands taking my hand and kissing it.

"I've got you, Little One. Trust me." he whispers and kisses me gently on the lips. How I wish I could have his mouth all over me to make me forget. But I can't. I have to face this.

I know I should leave this to Dawson to take care of. Hell, I know he can. But I just can't shake the feeling that if find a way to handle this on my own, that I can save the club from getting involved and myself from being a disappointment to my father.

Surely, Steven won't turn me over to the cartel if he's as obsessed with me as Dawson and Spike believe him to be. And if he gets angry and wants to punish me, well, I can always plead self-defense. 

Lily's Protector - Wolves MCWhere stories live. Discover now