"Lawman, you need to get up here." Dawson says behind me as I make my way to the wooden railing.

"What is it?" My dad's voice is demanding but I can't turn and speak to him. I can't say anything.

"I think we might have something. You need to stall them and get to the clubhouse." Dawson's voice is stern as he ends the call before wrapping his arms around me and pressing his chest firmly to my back.

"Talk to me, Little One." He whispers down into my hair, but I can't find the words. I can't speak.

"Baby, please don't shut me out. Tell me what you're thinking." I hear the pleading in his voice and the last thing I want is for him to feel I am pulling away from him, when he is the only thing keeping me safe.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and try to find the words but all I can manage to say is, "It's Steven."

"The one on the street?" Dawson's voice is low and calm, so calm that it manages to calm me.

"It has to be, Dawson. Who else would steal that equipment? And the way he looked up at me." I wipe my cheek again and hold onto his arms for support.

"We don't know for sure, Little One. It could have been someone else but I'm afraid you might be right, baby. It's the only thing that makes sense to me." He kisses me on the top of the head, and I take a deep breath.

"If it is, that means he has" my voice cracks and I can't continue. It means he has more videos and photos to use against me. It means I'm no longer free of Steven.

Dawson turns me around to face him and he wipes the tear that rolls down my cheek.

"Little one, he isn't going to hurt you. I will not allow that to happen. Spike is working on getting us answers. I promise you. I will take care of it. You are safe." Dawson will not let anything happen to me. Dawson is my hero.



I'm holding Lily in my arms as she cries, and it is breaking my heart that she is hurting again because of this motherfucker. I swear, he is going to die for what he has done to her.

Lily's right, Steven had to be the one she saw on the street. I know Steven is connected to those men, it's the only logical explanation for any of this. We just have to find out how.

She finally calms down and leaves me on the back deck to go inside and freshen up. I dig my phone out of my pocket and call Spike hoping like hell he some answers for me.

"Hey man, I was just about to call you." Spike answers, in his I just found something voice.

"Make it good, brother." I grab onto the wooden railing in front of me hoping for good news.

"I've located the computer. I was able to wipe it and set it up with viruses. The pictures haven't been shared anywhere." Spike says happily.

"That's fucking great news, man" I release the rail and run my fingers through my hair. "Where did you locate the computer?"

"The last address Lily gave me, Steven's home address." Spike's happy voice is gone, he knows very well this confirms my suspicions.

"Fuck" It's official. That motherfucker is responsible for all of this. He's a fucking dead man walking.

"It doesn't end there, brother. This Steven guy is attached to a Mexican cartel that's big into sex trafficking and drugs." When Spike speaks the words, all I see is rage.

"What the fuck?" I shout, grabbing a nearby plant and throwing if off the back deck. The ceramic pot crashes, shattering against a tree down in the ravine.

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