A/N & Sneak Peek at New Stories

Start from the beginning

"I don't like this," Lara said as she flicked her left hand and a silver bow materialized in her left hand.

"Me neither," Percy said and he took out a fancy white, twist pen. He took hold of the pen with the point down and with his thumb and index, he twisted it clockwise. The next moment, the pen transformed into a silver, 3-foot xiphos.

"Keep your eyes open, this doesn't look good," Lara said as both of them got back-to-back and started making circles as they walked toward the end of the clearing.

For some reason, the place seemed like a paradise with the sunlight shining down on the grass, the flowers of different colors and types, and the hypnotic singing. But they weren't beginners in this world, they had survived on their own for 5 years since they scape the orphanage. They knew that things can be deceitful and get you killed.

They slowly made their way toward the end of the clearing. They were about to reach the end of the clearing when they heard a dragon roar.

Both of them turn to look at each other and said at the same time, "Fuck, run."

They both bolted out of the clearing and into the woods. The moment they left the clearing, the hypnotic singing voice ended and the regular noise of the woods started once again. But that fact wasn't the one important to either of them, the important fact was that they were being chased by what probably was a dragon or a drakon, and neither of them, they didn't want to fight them.

"Any idea which of the two is it?" Percy said before he cut down a small tree in half.

"Wait for the sound," Lara said running right beside him.

They didn't hear a crunch or any other sound and they both knew that things just got worst.

"Fuck, it's a dragon, let's hope that it's a small one," Lara said as they kept running away.

"It could also be a wyvern, but let us hope that it's neither of them," Percy said as they kept running.

They soon reach a small creak. They noticed that the creek goes directly into camp and is probably the only place where they could be safe, but they didn't know if the creature could get in since they didn't know if it was a Greek monster.

"We can't let it get to camp, we don't know if it's a Greek monster and if it's not we can't let them know about it," Percy said as he turn around and patiently waited for the monster.

"Ugh, I sometimes hate your hero personality," Lara groaned before she also turned around.

She drew back on her bow and a silver arrow appeared already notched on the string. Percy decided to follow Lara's example and summoned his bow from the bow tattoo on his left forearm.

"What? You don't want to fight it hand-to-hand like always?" Lara taunted.

Percy just rolled his eyes before drawing back on his bow and an arrow made out of sunlight appeared on his bow. "I would, but this is not the hydra nor the chimera,"

The next moment, a huge flap of wings sent a tremendous force of wind with enough force to move the trees apart. A poisonous green scale dragon with just hind legs and wings that were 20 feet, landed right in front of the duo. It gave out a massive roar that even slightly shook the ground.

"Fire!" Lara said before she let loose of her string and fired an arrow directly at the dragon's eye.

Percy followed suit and started firing arrows at the dragon, "Why did I have to talk," The blue-eyed boy groaned and started moving around to avoid getting hit by the dragon's tail or wings.

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