"The door will always be locked. It won't have a doorknob. Only the medical team will be able to get in by scanning a key card. We will tell people a rich person has bought it out and is normally empty. All the medical supplies needed will be in the suit so the medical team can discretely get up there without drawing attention. No cameras are in the room and the balcony will always be unlocked for you and Ladybug to use. It's on the top floor of the skyscraper so thieves are almost impossible. There will be a droid that if it does not recognize you will shoot a tranquilizer and alert local authorities. You will have to let it scan both your identities head to toe. It is programmed so that if tried to be hacked it will immediately erase its memory. It's been tested by the world's most proficient hackers and works." 

"Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I will do everything in my power to convince ladybug to listen and accept this deal." I turned away from the Mayor and hurried back to my table to tell Marinette I had to leave. To my surprise, she was gone. I quickly looked around the room to try and spot her but she was nowhere. I went to the exit and saw Luka staring at his phone while sitting on the curb.

"Uh - hi this is weird but have you seen Marintte?" I inquired.

"Seen her." Luka scoffed but in a jovial way. "She judo-flipped me and left. Although to be fair I did scare her so maybe I had it coming."

"She-? She what?!" 

"Ya. But I thought you knew she left. She told me that you had to rush off somewhere." I guiltily looked down. 

"Was- was she mad?"

"Nah man she seemed to understand completely. I guess with dating a superhero it kinda has to be expected." 

"Ya. Well uh, do you know if she went home?" 

At that moment I got a message on my stick and pulled it from under to coat of my jacket to look.

"Hey, kitty! I know you're worried about Ladybug and had to rush off and see her. I completely understand and hope you find her. I went home so as not to get in the way. I'll see you soon. Love you! <3 "

"Oh uh, never mind she just texted me. Thanks anyway." With that, I used the stick to launch away and into the night. I hid behind a building chimney and de-transformed. 

"Here plagg. Eat this and we'll transform into our normal form." Plagg for once didn't complain. He too wanted to know about Ladybug. He quickly wolfed down the cheese and nodded at me. I transformed again and traversed the city toward the Eiffel Tower.

I glanced down at my stick to send a message to Ladybug and when I glanced up I saw her. Her beautiful figure standing at the top of the tower. Standing out against the dark sky in her stark red with her arms spread wide. She looked at peace. She looked calm. 

Then she leaned forward and toppled off the tower. 

"LADYBUG!" I screamed as I scrambled forward as fast as I could.

'Im too far away! No no no... I can't lose her!'  I sprinted forward, leaping over obstacles in a vain attempt to get to her before she reached the ground. Tears sprang to my eyes as I realized I wouldn't reach her in time. 

"Ladybug! No" I cried out in a strangled sob. 


She twisted in the air and threw her yoyo up and it latched to a railing at the top of the tower. She yanked hard on it and brought her headlong dive to a sudden stop mere inches from the ground.  

She gently touched down and let out an excited laugh. She looked around and saw me standing at the top of a building and her expression immediately dropped. "Chat. Chat what's wrong."  

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