Given Up

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Btw this is the official song for my story. I heard it while writing a chapter and it is now its song. In my opinion it matches PERFECTLY.  

Chats POV

As I sat on top of the Eiffel tower I contemplated what just happened. 'She was so upset about a purse? What was so important about that purse.'  I had no idea what happened or why she was so upset but I did know that I shouldn't have left. In her time of need I left. Yes she yelled at me to get out but that was no excuse. I jumped down to a near by store and found a purse that looked like her old one but was black and had a green paw print on it. I then payed for it and vaulted towards her house. I knocked on the trap door. "Princess listen i'm sorry I don't know what happened but I got you something." I

 heard frantic scuffling from indoors then the trap door was flung open with such violence I thought a whale threw it open. I was then pulled roughly inside and thrown on the floor with Tom over top of me. "Wha-" I was cut off by Tom lifting me up and thrusting me towards Marinettes prone figure just starring up at the ceiling with blood around her. 

'Oh my gods is she dead?!'  Panic struck my heart and overwhelming pain filled me. "I-is sh-she de-" My voice shook and I couldn't complete my sentence.  "No dear she isn't dead she went back into her coma like state. That's why she's starring but the blood is from her c-cuts" Sabine said trying not to cry. "Fix her Chat!" Tom practically yelled. 

I quickly nodded and lifted her up and laid her on her chaise. I heard Sabine say something then the trap door close. I glanced around and saw I was alone with the love of my life. "Listen Mari I know your in there. I know you feel stuck but you aren't. I'm here and I always will. I'm so sorry I left when you yelled ay me. I didn't hear your silent plea and I disappointed you and I'm so so so sorry." I leaned and and laid a gentle kiss on her lips. I got up and ran to her bathroom grabbing disinfectant and bandages. I then sprinted back and delicately rub her wrists while tears slipped down my cheeks. I quickly bandaged her wrists,  

I then climbed on the chaise and pulled her to my chest. She just sat there staring and I just sat there talking. I talked, kissed her cheeks, neck, and ear, and talked. I commented on how beautiful she was and about a surprise I got her. I talked until the moon fell and the sun rose. In between her parents came and checked up on us. 

Finally she started showing reactions. (see what I did there ;) )  It was slow but she started nodding or moving. Soon it was a mutter her or there then the spell broke. She looked around saw me and burst into tears. "It took me Chat!" She cried in utter pain. "I know my love and for that I'm sorry." I muttered into her ear. She leaned up and kissed my lips passionately. She conveyed all her pain into it and I could tell. 

I kissed back with all the love and grief and pain and prayed she could feel it. After a minute she pulled away and muttered. "I'm late to school but that's not much of a surprise." I chuckled a bit and she laid her head down on my chest. "You don't have to go to school my lovely." She giggled and we stayed like that for awhile. "Listen Marinette, I gotta go tell your parents that your back." I muttered into her ear. She slowly nodded and I went downstairs 

Marinettes POV

After Chat left Tikki came out of hiding and started crying. "I thought I lost you again! I thought I would have to go back to that horrible girl." Tikki hugged my cheek and I just looked at her with empty eyes. "Its ok Tikki its ok." She pulled away and looked at me worriedly. "Mari whats wrong?" I looked at her contemplating weather to tell her or not. "Marinette whats wrong?" I sighed and gave in. 

"It was different this time. I wasn't lost in the white. I was lost in a maze. Ch-Chat abandoned me. H-he put me on there with the guy who hurt me." at that I glanced at my leg. "H-He cought me. H-he hurt me and cut me and all the while I called for help. I called for chat and he stood there laughing."

 The inevitable tears came to me. "I then started to hear his voice but this time it was the sweet kitty I knew. And then I was back in my room." Tikki sat in the air stunned. She then quickly hid as her trap door burst open. Her parents, Alya, Nino, and Chat came running through. "Oh Mari!" Sabine cried as she enveloped her daughter in a tight hug. After Sabine let go Tom did the same. Then Alya. Then Nino. They all hugged me until I couldn't breath I hugged back but thats all I did.

 I didn't smile or cry or talk. I sat there staring emotionlessly as everyone cried and hugged me. "Marinette are you there?" Alya asked stepping closer to me. I looked at her with emotionless eyes and she stepped back in shock. 

Chat walked over and knelt down beside me and grabbed my hand. At the contact I glanced down and saw my prince. I smiled slightly at him and he at me. "Mari? Are you ok?" He asked softly. I slowly shook my head and he nodded in understanding. "Do you want people to leave?" I nodded. "Including me?" I quickly shook my head no and he again nodded. "Ok everyone." he said while standing up. "Mari's a little overwhelmed and would like to be left alone please." They all nodded and started filing out. 

The look on Alyas face made Chat wince from guilt but she to left. He closed the trap door and walked over to Mari. "Whats wrong?" He asked me softly. Instead of replying I just shook my head. "Ok I won't push." I stood up and hugged him. He seemed a bit surprised at first then hugged back. "Princess." He whispered into my ear. I buried my face into Chats neck and whimpered. "Marinette what is it?" He started to get concerned. I just shook my head and pulled away. I glanced at his eyes and got stuck. His eyes were truly beautiful. Shining and green. Swirling with emotions untold. 

I stared into them and he into mine. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I knew it for a fact. So why was I still scared to speak. Why was there still a small fear? I knew this ally cat loved me. I knew I loved him. So what was holding me back? "Wanna watch a movie?" He whispered. I nodded and pointed at me sketch book. "You wanna draw to?" He asked trying to interpret my gestures. I nodded and walked over to the stairs to my bed. 

A minute later Chat came up with my lap top, sketch book, and pencil. He set up the movie and sat beside me. He opened his arms for me to cuddle but by instinct I flinched away. The look of hurt on his face made me want to cry. "Sorry." I said in a quiet voice. I cuddled into his side with my sketch book. He started how to train a dragon and I started drawing.  I drew and drew until a picture of a girl crying against a wall formed on my page. I realized it was me at the dead end when He cought me. Its when I gave up. 

                                                                             (This is the Picture) 

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                                                                             (This is the Picture) 

"Princess that really good." Chat said nuzzling my cheek. "But who is it?" "Me" He jerked back at my answer then pulled me tighter to his chest. Only then did I realize the movie was over. "Why is it you?" He questioned. "It shows a girl who has given up." I simply answered.  "Have you given up Marinette?" "I gave up awhile ago kitty." He sat there considering my answer then kissed my cheek. "Don't give up." was all he said. "Please princess tell me what happened." 

"Not yet. Im not ready." He nodded and nuzzled his face into my neck. I let out a little laugh. "Chat that tickles." "There's that laugh I love." I blushed a little and snuggled closer into him. "Let Plagg rest my prince." I muttered. He nodded and muttered "Plagg claws in." Only one problem 

He wasn't wearing his comfy clothes.  


Word Count 1616

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