Gets to go home

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Marinette POV 

I finally get to go home. I've been out of the white oblivion for a week now and they said I could go home. I haven't told anyone what happened. What made me go to- to the place. I haven't told them where I was when they were trying to get me to "react" as they say. I might tell Chat. 

'Ohhhh Chat!  I don't know what to do with this situation!!?!? Before the white room I loved Adrien but this week and the weeks in the white endlessness I realized I loved Chat. I also think that Chat might love me back'  He's been here everyday. 

He'd come right after his school was out and stay most the night. Today was Saturday and it was 7:00am I get to go home at 10:00am. Chat said he'd be there every step of the way. Although I was happy I was going home and Chat would be with me there was one thing missing. 

And it was tearing me apart. 




I've been wondering all week but its not like I can just ask. I was worried I never would see her again. My miraculous was gone and so was Tikki. Thinking about it made me want to cry. And being in my fragile state, I did. 

It started off small but became a flood. Everything was piling up and I didn't  know what to do. 'I've lost Tikki, Abandoned my partner, cause all this stress, and fell in love with Chat. I don't deserve his affection! I shouldn't have been so weak. I'm still being weak! STOP CRYING!!'  but I couldn't stop. 

I was curled up in a ball on my bed. My head hidden behind my knees. I heard a noise I was familiar with. The squeak of the windows hinges. 

"Princess Im he- Mari?" I heard as Chat came in. All of a sudden I was enveloped in arms. He picked me up sat where I was sitting and put my in his lap. I was trying to stop crying but I still couldn't. 

I remembered when I broke I couldn't stop crying. 'What if I go back!? What if I get taken away again?!'  

"NO! NO I CANT! NO DON'T LET ME GO! NOOO" I started screaming. "Hey shh its ok Marinette. Shhhhhh don't worry i'm here. Shhh its ok. Hush i'm here your not going anywhere." 

A nurse had come running at the scream but saw Chat. He nodded that it was ok and she left. I started to calm down. Chat rubbed my back cooing and reassuring me. 

Chat Noir POV

I left around 7:30 and got to the hospital at 7:40. I opened the window to Marinette's room "Princess Im he- Mari?" I asked. She was curled up on her bed sobbing. She seemed to also be panicking a little. 

'What happened?!'  I walked over picked her up sat where she was sitting and put her in my lap and hugged her. I was about to comfort her when she started screaming. 

"NO! NO I CANT! NO DON'T LET ME GO NOOO" I was taken aback for a split second but then started comforting her. 

"Hey shh its ok Marinette." 

'Go where' 

"Shhhhhh don't worry i'm here. Shhh its ok. Hush i'm here your not going anywhere." I looked to the door and saw a nurse with a worried expression. I just nodded in a way to tell her I had this under control. 

I rubbed her back and was comforting her. She was starting to calm down and her panicked breathing slowed. it was 8:30 now. 

"Puuuuurincess are you ok?" I asked after she had stopped shaking. She didn't respond. I immediately panicked thinking she broke again. "Mari! Marinette respond" I said shaking her slightly. "Its ok Chat im still here." She said in a small voice 

'THANK GOD!' I thought. "What happened Mew-ri?" I asked trying to lighten her mood a little. 

It didn't work. 

"I-Im fine. It was nothing." she said after a minute of silence. I immediately got angry. 'She's not fine! and it wasn't nothing!'  "Marinette Dupan-Cheng do not lie to me! You are not fine! That wasn't nothing! Now tell me what happened!" I said rather forcefully. She looked at me spooked. "Mari listen I care for you a'lot I want to help you please let me." I said in a softer voice. 

"I-Ok" She said. "I just got a little overwhelmed and started crying but when I tried to stop it didn't work. I panicked thinking I would-.....get sick..again." I just hugged her. I hugged her tight. "I won't let you go back there I promise." I kissed her forehead. She smiled and it was so beautiful. 

'Gods I love this girl'  I glanced at the door and saw Marinette's parents. I suddenly blushed but didn't let go. I looked at a clock and saw it was 9:00. 

"Hello Chat." Mrs. Dupan-Cheng said. "H-hi" I said. I was nervous she would be mad at me for kissing Maris forehead. But she didn't bring it up. 

"I guessed you would be here so I brought you croissants and coffee." After knowing Chat for a couple of months Sabine figured out that a certain Ally Cat LOVED croissants. She gave the bag of goods to him. 

"Marinette I also brought you food." She gave her daughter baked goods. She accepted gratefully but only picked at them. "Well go work on the paperwork for you then we can go home."

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- TIME SKIP -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Chats POV

I sat In Marinette's bedroom happily watching her sleep. (Ikik creepy) I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:00 I decided to go home. 

I climbed out of her balcony and vaulted across the roofs when I saw Fu waving at me. I stopped and went over to him. "Master Fu? Is there a problem." I asked as curiosity filled me.  

"No there's no problem it's good news. Ladybug has recovered from what happened to her. I will be giving her miraculous back and you should get to see her." Fu said in his old wise voice. "Really!? No more LadyLuck?! YES!" I celebrated. 

"What you didn't like my choice?" Fu asked. "Not really. She was a pain. She even lost an akuma!" I responded "So did Ladybug on her first time." 

"She's also constantly hitting on me and flirting" "As you did to Ladybug if I remember correctly" Fu said. I had no response. "Now go home and get rest." Fu commanded. I nodded and left.   

Marinette's POV 

I was sleeping peacefully after a long day when I heard a noise.  I awoke from my slumber to see and ancient box on the end of my bed. I immediately grabbed and opened it. A red light flew around me then Tikki appeared in front of me. 

"TIKKI!" I cried in joy! 

"Marinette! I'm so happy to see you!" Tikki shouted. "What happened to you?! When I awoke you weren't there and neither was my miraculous." When I mentioned my miraculous I remembered them and put them on. 

"I got paired with another person. She was my holder while you were out. Her name was LadyLuck. You can find her on the news. Everyone was confused as to what happened to you. Chat Noir just said that you got injured and would be out of commission for awhile and LadyLuck was filling in. I didn't like her though. No one could replace you" tikki said hugging my cheek. 

I hugged her tight and cried. "I missed you so much." I kissed her forehead. "Lets get you some rest Mari you look exhausted." It was true I was so tired. I lied down and Tikki right beside me. I fell asleep. Happier than I have been for a very long time. 

HEY YALL! Another CHapter! I hope you liked it! 


bye my Blue Kittens


Word count: 1340   

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