I broke

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**Marinette pov**

As I walked towards school I was late as ever but I didn't care. I never cared anymore. It was just another thing in a life I hated. I walked up the stairs into school and headed towards class. I walked in as all eyes fell on me. Including my teachers. 

"Marinette your late again. Whats your excuse" Mrs. bustier asked me. "I slept past my alarm, sorry." I answered. It wasn't entirely false. She had missed her alarm but she hadn't been sleeping she just zoned out and never heard it. I

f it weren't for Tikki she would have never gotten up. Mrs. Bustier sighed and told her to take a seat. I sat down a noticed Chloe glaring at me. 

What a surprise (Note the sarcasm) Mrs. Bustier realized she left some work sheets in the teachers lounge and went to retrieve them. The second she left the classroom Chloe was on my like a bee on a flower  (sry I had to) "So Maritrash whats with your ugly outfit. I mean I get matching your clothes with yourself but your so much uglier." 

before I could reply Alya shoved in. "Shut up Chloe Marinette looks fine its you who should reconsider the fashion choices." Chloe was speechless for a second then Marinette spoke up. "Alya its ok, Chloes right. I designed this outfit and it looks horrible. It doesn't matter"

 The entire class was speechless most of all Alya, Nino and Adrien. "Marinette thats no..." Alya began but Mrs. Bustier came back in interrupting her. She handed out the worksheets as the bell rang. The rest day was a blur. It was mainly made up of avoiding her friends questions and paying attention to class. 

When school was out Marinette left as fast as she could giving her friends no chance to talk to her. She got home and sat down. "Tikki Im going to transform and call Chat ok. I need to talk to him. 

Tikki spots on!" She then called Chat but he didnt answer. She decided to leave a voice mail. "Hey Chat. I had a rough day today and well wanted someone to talk to. Wanna meet up for patrol with me. I know its my night but I want someone to talk to." She was barely holding her tears but she held then non the less. 

She then went to her balcony and swung away. She enjoyed the air whistling through her hair and on her face. She had been swinging around Paris for about and hour when she got a message from Chat Noir. 

"Hey buggaboo see you tonight I promise. Hope your ok." She smiled a little at her sweet Kitty. She then went home to giver her kwami a break. Once night had fallen she swung away and waited at the Eiffel tower. And waited. And waited. And waited. 

After two hours of waiting she started crying. When ever life through something at her Chat was all was there to pick her up. He promised he would be here. Her bug phone then buzzed and a text from Chat that said

Chat: Hey M'lady sry I didn't come tonight my girlfriend had a surprise date for me that lasted a couple hours do you still want to talk.

LB: Dont bother i'm going home

Ladybug swung home and landed in her room. Thats when the dam broke. She started sobbing. She cried until she fell asleep. She woke up around 6 am. But something was different she was now blank. She completely and utterly broke inside. 

"Marinette? Marinette! MARINETTE!!" Tikki yelled. She was starting to panic. After half an hour her mom came up to get her. "Marinette sweety why arent you up yet you have sch............ Marinette?" Sabine was looking at her duaghter who was sitting on her floor staring blankly at the wall. 

"Marinette" Sabine said once again as she came fully into her daughters room. She shook her shoulder with no response. She shook harder again with the same results. "Tom come quick somethings wrong with Marinette!!!!"       


Sry to all the people who have to read my terrible writing skills. Also sry it was so rushed

Thank you for reading Pls comment and vote but most of all COMMENT

Bye my blueberry kittens


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