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Listen to this song when I say. TRUST ME. Its important to the story and Its an AMAZING song. PLS LISTEN TO IT.  Panic room by Au/Ra

Adriens POV

I was at my desk catching up on homework before I wen't over to Marinettes when the door bell rang. I used my computer to check the camera at the gate. To my surprise Marinette was there and checking over her shoulder anxiously. I opened the gate and she crutched in. I shut the gate and right as it finished a hoard of reporters came running up. 'That explains it all' I then remembered I was suppose to be sick. 'Crap' I ran to my bathroom and got my hair wet. I got into shorts, took off my shirt, lay in bed, and looked miserable. 

"Adrien?" I heard Marinette call. "Up here!" I called in a 'sick' voice. I heard her crutches clicking up the stairs and a minute later she pushed through my door. "Hey sorry I came unannounced but I was being mobbed by reporters. I thought maybe you would understand." She said almost 'angrily?'  "Anyways can I camp out here?" I nodded still trying to figure out what was wrong. "Why were reporters after you?" I said curiously.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh um they heard I was dating Chat Noir." She smiled at the thought and it made me happy that I was the cause of that smile. "Your dating ChatNoir?! How awesome! Is he cool?" I mean what can I say. "He's amazing!" She said in a dreamy voice. I then noticed she was still standing. "Oh were are my manners?! Go ahead and sit down!" 

She politely sat where I was previously sitting. She pulled her phone out her phone and, from what I can tell, texted someone. "So how are you feeling?" She asked politely. "Oh um not great but hopefully what ever I have will go away soon." I added a cough there to sell it. She nodded then turn away from me. 'What is wrong with her? She never was short or snappy at me before?'  "Marinette is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" 

"Nope i'm fine. You didn't do anything." The way she said anything made me wonder if that was true. "Are you sure? Your being kinda short with me." She stiffened. "I just forgot to pack my pain meds. Im sorry for being short." I immediately felt bad. I got up and walked over to the desk and her. I was really trying not to hug and kiss her. Its was really hard but I just reached over and pulled the camera up. "The reporters are gone." I said. "Oh per-" She stopped talking when she turned and saw me. I was confused until I realized I took my shirt off. "Oh Im sorry Marinette" She turned beat red. 

"O-Oh um N-o its nice I MEAN fine hahaha I should go BYE!" She grabbed her crutches and launched out the door. I watched the camera set and saw her come into the courtyard. She seemed to be talking to her purse? She then quickly left. "Plaaaaaaaqqqq" I called evilly. "Whaaaaat?" He answered already knowing what I was gonna say. "Claws Out!" I transformed and leaped out my window.  I saw Marinette slowly making her way across a cross walk. But what I saw and she didn't was the car careening down the road towards her. 


Marinettes POV

I was walking home when I reached a cross walk. I was tired and my leg hurt so I was traversing it slowly when I heard my name screamed and at the same time saw a car barreling towards me. Time seemed to slow down as I yanked my purse off and threw it to safety. 'I can't save myself  but I can save Tikki!'  Thats  all that mattered to me at that moment saving my best friend. I prepared my body for the impact and pain. Then something unexpected happened. I was hit from the side. Both me and the force went sailing through the air but my body was shielded and I didn't even get scratched. When I opened my eyes I saw the blue sky and felt a familiar body underneath me. "Chat?! ARE YOU OK?!" I got off and saw a relieved Chat Noir under me. 

"Oh gods Marinette i'm so glad I got there in time!" Chat pulled me  into the tightest hug known to mankind. "Chat -I-can't-BReaThe" Chat quickly pulled away. "I'm sorry princess just worried." I smiled at my knight in shining armor-or should I say leather. "Lets get you home." I heard Chat but all I could see were my mangled and ruined purse. I through it to the side walk but the driver clearly wasn't staying on the road. I limped slash ran to the other side of the road. All pain was forgotten as I got there and saw my purse squashed like a grape. Tears filled my eyes as I dropped to my knees. "

Ti-tikki." I choked out as pain and guilt filled me. The tears streamed down my face. I slowly picked my purse up and sobbed again. "Marinette?" Chats voice was thoroughly confused and concerned. "Marinette its just a purse?" I knew that Chat didn't know about Tikki but my anger still flared red hot. "ITS NOT THE PURSE YOU DUMB CAT!" I screamed at him as I dropped my purse and grabbed my head. 

"its tikki." I whispered in a barely audible voice. Chat dropped to his knees and pulled me into a hug. "Marinette its gonna be ok! I dont know what your so upset about but it'll be fine." Chat said reassuringly.  

"NO IT WONT CHAT!" I shouted as so much pain, hurt, and guilt. He lifted me up and away from my purse. "CHAT NO STOP!" I struggled, wiggled, and fought against him but his grip was like iron. He vaulted us to my room and placed me in there. "CHAT NO!" tears filled my eyes and poured down my face. "I CAN'T LEAVE HER!" He looked at me so confused. "Marinette its just a purse?"  He said in a confused and worried voice. "GET OUT!" I screamed at him. He sat there aghast. "Mari-" "GET. OUT!" He must have really been shocked because he simply nodded and left. I let the pain control me and ran to my bathroom. I quietly began to sing my new favorite song. 

(listen to the song now and here are the lyrics if you cant)

Hell raising, hair raising
I'm ready for the worst
So frightening, face whitening
Fear that you can't reverseMy phone has no signal
It's making my skin crawl
The silence is so loud
The lights spark and flicker
With monsters much bigger
Than I can control nowWelcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them too, see them tooWelcome to the panic room
(Welcome to the
Welcome to the
Welcome to the
Welcome to the)Still waiting, hands shaking
Maybe the coast will clear
But these voices, these strange noises
They followed me in hereMy phone has no signal
It's making my skin crawl
The silence is so loud
The lights spark and flicker
With monsters much bigger
Than I can control nowWelcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them too, see them tooWelcome to the panic room
(Welcome to the
Welcome to the)There's no crying wolves now
'Cause the truth has settled in
Hiding under goose down
For your nightmare to begin
There's no crying wolves now (welcome to the, welcome to)
'Cause the truth has settled in (welcome to the, welcome to the)
Hiding under goose down (welcome to the, welcome to the)
For your nightmare to begin (welcome to the, welcome to the)Welcome to the panic room
Where all your darkest fears are gonna
Come for you, come for you
Welcome to the panic room
You'll know I wasn't joking
When you see them too, see them tooHell raising, hair raising

I'm ready for the worst 

I quickly grabbed my razor and placed it against my arm and immediately started cutting. I cut a couple of painful deep cuts when I heard a voice. "Marinette?" It was a high yet sweet voice. "TIKKI?!?!?" I printed out of my bathroom and there she was. Floating in the middle of my room unscathed. "OH MY GOD TIKKI!" I sprinted over to her and hugged her. I didn't care that my arms where bleeding or that there were dripping on the floor. "Marinette your arms!" All of a sudden panic filled me and I screamed. I

 dont know why or what even happened. It was sudden it was painful. White started encroaching. I screamed again. I never knew how true that song was until that moment. I now knew that that room was my panic room and demons. I screamed again and saw figures enter my vision above me. 'When did I fall?' "HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs but there was no helping me now. The white was to close and Chat was to far. Its a relapse and it was strong. 

Sry this took so long. Also sry this chapter sucks. but we had a little Adrien in it. I hope you listened to the song. Remember its important to the storyline Byeee


Word count 1549    

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