A whole lot of stuff happens

714 13 6

Marinettes POV

After he kissed me he looked me in the eyes. "Listen Marinette we have two main things we need to talk about." I gave him a confused look. 'Two I thought he wanted to only talk about me cutting.'  "Were gonna start with the lesser of two evils ok?" He looked me straight in the eye. I looked away and nodded. "You need to eat." He stated firmly. My head whipped up in surprise. "W-what do you mean?" I asked playing dumb. 

Lets just say it didn't work. "Marinette your skinny as a pencil. I can count every rib on your back. I should have noticed before but Thursday is when I really realized the problem." I blushed at the thought of him seeing my shirtless. "Were gonna get you back on food. We'll start slowly because your body won't be used to a large intake of food. Little portions. A little at breakfast, lunch, and dinner." "Chat thats to mu-" I started to protest but he interrupted me. 

"Mari do not fight me on this. I won't push you beyond your limits but if you fight I will drag you myself and force it down your throat if you make me." He gave me a pointed look. I just slumped in my seat with a downcast look. "Got it princess?" He asked me. I nodded and he nodded and muttered to himself. 

"Second WHAT THE HECK POSSED YOU TO CUT?!" He burst out angrily. I flinched away from in fear. I don't know why but that scared me. He took a deep breath and carefully grabbed my hands. "I'm sorry princess. I did not mean to scare or yell at you. It just makes me angry that you hurt yourself." I looked into his eyes and saw he men't it.

"Please tell me why you cut!" He asked pleadingly. "It-Its a coping mechanism." I said quietly. "But what makes you feel the need to cut?" He asked trying to find the source. "I-I can't tell you." I said painfully. A look of hurt crossed his face. "Why?" It was a simple question but I was afraid of answering. I stared at my hands for awhile. 

I took a deep breath and answered him. "Because Chat, if you know how truly broken I am, If you know who hurt me, if you truly knew everything you-you would leave me and i'm scared of losing you." A tear made its way down my cheek as I said this. Chats gentle hand cradled me cheek and brushed away the tear. 

"I don't care how broken you are. I would never leave you!" I leaned my my head against his hand on my cheek. "Promise my kitty?" I asked needing that reassurance. "I promise puuuurincess" I smiled at the pun. "I will always pick up your pieces and put them back together and store them in a velvet box." I laughed a little and sniffled. "ok" I said quietly.

"I've been bullied for years. I-I ran into someone a couple days ago who-who was jealous of you helping me all the time. Sh-she said some things and I guess I took them personally. I punished myself by cutting. The pain feels good because I deserve it. It started when I accidentally cut myself in the shower while shaving. It hurt but in a strange way caused pleasure. I started doing it on purpose. So when someone hurt me mentally I took it out on my wrists. It relieves the pain in the mind and I can see what it does." Tears were back on my cheeks. 

Chat hugged me and whispered in my ear "Marinette you DO NOT deserve the pain that you cause yourself. DO you here me DO.NOT. Instead of cutting come to me ok. I will always listen. Just call me or turn your balcony lights red if i'm not already here. Your very strong Marinette whoever tells you other wise is jealous of your amazingness. Got it?" I nodded. "Now lets go get you some breakfast and take a walk." I nodded and wen't to get dressed. 

I grabbed my purse as I heard Chat call his transformation words. I wish I had time to talk to Tikki. I looked at her and whispered. "I'll try to find time to talk ok?" She nodded and shut the purse as I walked out of the bathroom. "Lets go." I nodded as Chat jumped onto my balcony. He helped me up through it the trap door and picked me up bridal style and vaulted off the roof and a couple blocks away. 

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