Just Can't Catch a Break

752 14 7

Warning: slight language with suggestive content, Self harm, and sexual assault  

Chats POV

She was sleeping quite soundly. Her soft breathing coming out evenly. Her eyes shut and her face had a peaceful look. A look I hadn't see in a long time. I sat there holding Mari as she slept for about 7 hours. 

It was around 7:30 when Sabine came upstairs. "Hey Chat. Go ahead and wake Marinette ok? We have dinner prepared. Are you staying or leaving? We made enough for everyone." Sabine smiled clearly hoping I would stay. 

"Of course i'll stay" I smiled in return. Sabine dropped out of sight and I worked on waking Marinette. "Puuurince mew needs to get up fur dinner." I said shaking her. 

She grumbled and didn't move. I shook her and she opened her eyes. "Whhhaaaaat?" She said exhausted. "Get up. Food" I said in a soft voice. "Give me one good reason to get up." Mari challenged me. "Food." I said again as if it was obvious. "That's not a good enough reason." I looked at her incredulously. 

I then smirked leaned over top of her. Kissed her forehead then said. "I'll stay for dinner." I mean ya I was already planning on staying but she didn't need to know that.  "Fine" She got up and almost fell. 

I immediately supported her with my arms around her waist. For the first time I noticed how skinny she was. I didn't mention it and help her downstairs. She was so weak. Sabine and Tom looked up from the table where they were talking.

Seeing there daughter so weak freaked them out. "What happened?! Why is she so weak?!" Tom practically shouted. "Don't worry she's just really dehydrated and hasn't eaten anything all day." 

I sat her down at the table and Sabine brought her a big glass of water. As we ate I was beyond happy. We talked and laughed. Marinette smiled and talked along with us. I was glad to see her coming out of her shell. 

She drank the entire class of water and for good measure Sabine made her drink another. It was now about 9:30. 

"I have to go now for patrol but I will come back tomorrow morning and pick you up for school. Make sure to get sleep ok?" I bowed over Marinette's hand, kissed it, and went out the front door. 

Marinette's POV

After Chat left I excused myself and went upstairs in a hurry. "Tikki I have patrol!" I exclaimed. "Are you sure you are in a good condition to go?" Tikki asked worriedly. 

"Im fine Tikki now SPOTS ON!" I transformed into the beloved superhero of Paris. The spotted girl on the highest pedestal of perfection and grace. I hopped out my window and swung to the Eiffel Tower where I saw Chat waiting. 

"Hey Chat sorry i'm late" I said in a voice that sounded cheery. Key word being 'Sounded'. I wasn't very happy. I was so overwhelmed, angry, sad, happy, in love, and confused. It hurt my head but I had to put on a show for Chat. 

Speaking of Chat. "Hey LB how are you?" He asked happily. I hugged him in greeting and he hugged me back. "Im........." I paused then decided to lie 

"Ok" I said and smiled at him. "Are you sure?" Chat asked unsure to believe his partner and friend or not. "I'm sure now lets patrol." He just nodded in agreement and we were off. 

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_TIME SKIP-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

We met back at the Eiffel Tower and chit chat for about ten minutes before we departed. I was swinging back when I saw a girl waving at me to come over. 

I stopped and went over. I know I know curiosity killed the cat buuuuuuuuuuuuuut Chat was over there and I was over here (Logic 1.0.1) I landed on her balcony and studied her. She had long blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She had a slim and nice figure. 

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