twelve - skylar

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            Louis had insisted upon eating first, while Harry tugged us along to the nearest coaster to ‘establish the adrenaline rush’.

            I didn’t mention the fact that I was already hyperaware to everything going on around me, and I sighed as we walked up to the coaster.

            Zayn looked a bit disheveled though. He kept biting his lip, and chewing the side of his cheek, and his eyes kept widening.

            “Well that’s too bad. We’re all riding.”

            “You’re an evil one, Styles.”

            Harry chuckled, ruffling my hair, and smirking. “I wouldn’t call myself evil, just one to push the boundaries.”

            “So if I push you off of a cliff—”

            “That’s just rude.”

            I chuckled, heading toward the entrance the rollercoaster. Zayn hesitated, taking a deep breath before shaking his head.

            “He really doesn’t want to ride, Harry.”

            The younger boy sighed, casting a glare in Zayn’s direction. “He’ll be fine, really. It won’t be too bad.”

            I turned to look at Louis instead, who had been quiet this whole time. His eyes played between Zayn and the coaster, and he shrugged. “He’ll get over it eventually.”

            “You two are horrible human beings,” I told them, but didn’t miss the way that Zayn’s hands began to tremor at his sides. “I think he’s afraid of coasters; I’ll sit out with him.”

            “No, Harry can sit out,” Louis stated, grabbing my arm and pulling me to him. “Or he can sit with Stan or Jake.”

            I looked at the two men, both of which had been extremely eager to ride the ride. “It’s okay, really. I didn’t want to ride this too much anyway. I’ll sit out with Zayn, the rest of you go.”

            Louis pouted, sending me a look that told me that he clearly didn’t agree before shrugging. “Fine, whatever.”

            I rolled my eyes at him, waving Zayn to follow me as we pushed past through the crowd toward the entrance like salmon swimming upstream. “You know,” I started once we were seated on a bench by the exit, “I actually did want to ride.”

            Zayn only frowned at me, and I think he was asking me why I didn’t, so I shrugged and gave him a small smile.

            “You’re a lot more important than a ride, Zayn. You were shaking.”

            Zayn smiled a bit at that, and he scooted a bit closer until he could rest his head on my shoulder, and I definitely didn’t need words to know that we were okay.

            Rides, heights, the dark, and water. A list of things that Zayn’s afraid of.

            I didn’t realize that he had been trying to tell me that he was afraid until we were already strapped into the Ferris Wheel.

            “How was I supposed to know!” Harry asked me, narrowing his eyes on his bandmate. “You say it like he’s told me he didn’t like heights!”

            “You’ve almost known him three years!” I retorted, and that shut him up.

            He was lucky that I was squeezed in between Louis and Zayn, with Curly on the other side of the former, because I definitely would’ve strangled him. There had to have been some point in the past three years where height was involved.

            My eyes shot to Zayn, whose eyes were squeezed closed. He was gnawing on his lip, his hands in tight fists on either side of him.

            “Hey,” I murmured, snaking an arm around his shoulder. He opened his eyes wide enough just to see a sliver, before leaning on me. “I wouldn’t have made you ride if I had known. I’m sorry.”

            He remained motionless, pressed into my side, head in the crook of my neck, and hair tickling my cheek.

            And it was definitely an inappropriate time for me to be thinking this, with Zayn quivering into me like he was, but it felt nice.

            I could get used to it.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday, was way busy. So, some Hylar and Zylar made up, yay :)

Heartstrings ➳ z.m.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon