"From 14, he's been taking care of his little brother, taking him to doctors appointments because we noticed Little Lucas was vocally challenged when he was just 2. Jake learned the American Sign Language, taught his little brother how to read and be a man of his own. But along the line, somewhere, he was diagnosed with Insomnia.

"I didn't really know when his Insomnia started but looking back on it, the boy barely slept. By 3am you would catch him reading a book or staring into space. You never know what he's thinking but I just wish he didn't have to grow up so fast, you know. He went through so much at such a young age and became a man at just 14. I love that boy, with all my heart and I just hope he has the strength to stay happy always.

I sniffed, tears running down my face. "He is happy, doctor and I don't know why, I went through so many things too as you can probably tell from..." I showed him my scarred arms from cutting. He nodded solemnly, "and I ended up so angry with myself and the world and Jake should be too... but he isn't. He doesn't deserve anything that happened to him but he takes the world with a smile on his face. Jake isn't bitter. Jake is love. And from all the stories he's told me, God made him that way, God changed his perspective on life and made him a better man. I love that man, doctor. I love Jake so much."

My heart throbbed at my confession. I realized that I love Jake more that anyone else on earth. He's been through as much as I have or even more but he's never complained once. I feel so stupid for all my constant whining. I just want Jake to know that I'm here and that I'll never leave him for anything.

"Then go get him, hold him tight and never let go. Jacob Aiden Parker is one in a million, a diamond in the rough. Looking for a pure heart, he's got it." The doctor said getting up to his feet and walking to the door, "I just want my son to be happy, Ms. McCarthy. Love him with all your heart and I promise he'll love you back. He already does." The doctor said and walked out closing the door beside him.

I sat on the bed stunned and looked at the bathroom door where Jake entered and pulled all the wires connected to my skin in a haste rushing to see the guy I loved. I jumped off the bed but I felt a dizzy spell wash over me and held onto the bed so I don't fall over and then I ran to the door. I pulled the door open and found Jake, my Jake on the floor.

His back was to the wall in front of me and his knees were up to his chest. Jake looked broken. He lifted his head to look at me and my heart broke at his red eyes, he was crying. He gave me a sad smile and his lips quivered. I rushed to my knees and took him in my arms, hugging him tightly until he collapsed in tears in my arms.

I rubbed his back and tried to soothe him with whatever calming words I could utter. It physically hurt me to see him this way. He held me tightly, crying and sniffing, until he calmed down. I still held him tightly, stroking his hair and scratching his scalp so he could relax.

He finally sat up and moved away from me using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his face of tears but his eyes were noticeable red. He smiled at me, sniffing and I smiled back.

I love him.

I held his cheeks and kissed his all over his beautiful beautiful face.

"N-Now you know Jenny," Jake said with a smile and his hair fell into his eyes,m. I brushed them away. "I planned to keep this from you as long as possible but Thank God the doctor told you. It's just I've never told anyone else that and it's been so... long." He said with a breathless chuckle. He looked up at me with a smile and grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. "I'm glad it's you, Jenny."

I leaned in immediately with tears in my eyes capturing his lips with mine passionately. He returned it with so much fervency and I climbed into his lap, running my hands through his soft hair. I started to taste salt in his lips and I knew that I had started crying all over again. Eventually we had to come up for air but I didn't take long, I kissed him again and again and again. Hugging him tight, placing soft kisses on his neck.

"You're amazing. You're amazing Jake." I whispered over and over again, obsessed with him. I kissed his throat and he let out a groan before he connected our lips again.

"I love you." I said when I detached my lips from his, "I love you so much."

He halted his movement and stared at me in the eye, his arms tight around my waist. "Tell me you mean that." his voice breathless.

"I mean every word."

"Say it again."

"I love you."

"Again. Say it again."

"I love you Jake, with all of my heart."

He pulled me into him, kissing me deeply before pulling away and getting to his feet, pulling me up as well. "Let's get you cleared out, and then let's go home." He kissed my forehead and rubbed his eyes again before pushing me out of the bathroom. He pushed me to lay on the bed, kissing me softly and leaving to find the Doctor.

I stared at the ceiling feeling giddy but also slight confused because though I've confessed my feelings of love to him, he hasn't. And that made me upset. But I'm not going to be upset because i realize that I dropped a bombshell on him and he was still trying to wrap his head around it.

Maybe I scared him.

Maybe he ran away and left me here.

My heart thudded loudly and I was about to sit up and run after him when he walked into the room with the doctor with huge smiles on their faces. I felt such relief. He wasn't gone. He was still here and I still loved him.

Doctor walked up to me with a big smile on his face. His eyes sparkled like a little kid that held secrets.

"Ms. McCarthy, you're free to go home."

They Saved Me {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang