Chapter 10

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You wake up to the sound of a snapping twig. Jolting up, you grab your stick and pull the blanket up around your shoulders.
Pointing your stick in a threatening way in the direction the noise came from. You scan the area.
. . . Dark, you can barely see anything past your hands.


You snapped your neck in the same direction, slowly backing up. You walked backwards until your foot was caught on the overgrown root of a tree. You yelp as you fell backwards. A black goopy tentacle wrapped itself around your waist.
You started thrashing around, trying to stab it with your stick, but another tentacle came out of the dark and snapped it in half. . .
You looked into the dark to see a glaring cyan eye. He looked at you as if he were about to break you...
He growled, and it sounded distorted. Shivers ran down your spine.
"Break out again. . . I dare you. . . ."
He snarled as his tentacles tightened around you. Dammit, again, you were caught... again.... you should stop trying to run away so fast, he seems to want you to stay... he seems so dark... so... brooding.... huh... what's happening... your head slumps limply to the side, you scratched at his tentacles as they choked the air our of you. Your eyes closed as Nightmare walked back through the woods.

.       .         .         .         .         .        .         .   

". . . Hmm?" Cold, very cold, And tight...? Opening your eyes, you jolt forward, then you stand up to find chains wrapped around you, you were chained to the cobblestone wall, and in some sort of master bed room??? The bed was grand and it had black satin sheets. The whole room was giving off a Goth Victorian vibe...
The door creaks open and Nightmare enters. You stayed silent...

"I've enjoyed our conversations about Poe, but maybe I haven't enjoyed them enough..."

A twisted grin makes it's way to his face, then his tentacle smacks you down to your knees, "It would be a shame if you would have to die again...and again, and again... hm... you get the gist..."
You glared at him, but glaring only made his smile wider.
"But until then... you'll be staying in here. You should be honored, 'normal' monsters or humans don't usually last this long in my castle, let alone my bedroom.. but you have that determination to thank, don't you?"

You put your head down and bite your lip. Nothing you could do now... you would die if you tried anything, but he might kill you anyways, you have determination to blame. . .

"Huh. . . Interesting... tell me, how long do you plan on staying here until you find out why you're here..?"

You softened your face to surprise... why were you here?

Nightmare steps out of the room and slams the wood door behind him, then the gust of the door blew out all the candles...

♡ It started with a Book ♡ (Bad Sanses x Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt