Chapter 13

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Chapter warning TRIGGERS ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Gasp, where am I? . . .

Oh, yeah.

   Sweet silence filled the air, your heavy breathing being the only thing you hear.
Why is it so quiet? Sitting up you screamed suddenly realizing there was someone in the room. 'Red' was standing at the window looking out, his red pinpricks looking irritated. His deep grumbly voice started, "Shut up, damn it."
He looked at you with a snarky looking face. He sat on the floor next to your bed then placed some playing cards down. "Get your ass down here..." The tiniest tint of red shaded his cheek bones. You exhaled through your nose then crawled down to the floor across from him.

   . . . Why does his face look like that?

   He looked hot and bothered, but you don't know why. Maybe it was hot in here, or maybe it was just him...

   You looked at him confused... He looked away blushing and slightly drooling out of the corner of his mouth. . .

   You look down...
. . .

. . .

. . .


   Your face reddened and you scurry for a blanket and wrap it around yourself.

   You had completely forgot, you took your dress off last night. It laid on the floor pushed up behind the door. Your undergarments were, um, how should you put this... Very... Yeah, use your imagination, and you hadn't even noticed till you had sat there making a fool out of yourself In your undergarments.

   Red blushes and shuffled the cards. Hmm, if you could make him embarrassed, maybe you could do something... You had an idea, maybe not a good idea, but it's an idea, but almost all of your ideas so far have lead to you dying or being captured... Whatever, anything is worth a shot.

   He passed out cards facing down because you were playing war, you grabbed your cards, not looking at them, and played the game...

.       .      .        .        .        .        .        .       .        .       .

   "Damn it!" He shouted, You smirked, you had won seven times.. waving your cards you won on your face like a paper fan you flaunt your wins. "I won~ you didn't~ ...," You spoke in a sing-song, and Red growled, "and that means I get to pick a reward." You placed your cards down and stared at him, pretending to be in thought about what you want... Red raised a brow bone and glanced around. You had to do this if you wanted this plan to work... Maybe you could come up with another? No, you must try, even if it fails...

   You crawled over the cards splayed on the floor and made Red hold himself up by placing his arms behind him... His skull grew red as the blanket slid down your upper back stopping around your hips.

   Red audibly and physically gulped. You sat down on his lap and traced little pictures onto his collarbone with your finger. He was glowing by now, "...Uh h-hey... What're you doin'..?" You lick from the bottom of his jaw to his right ear, saying nothing, "..."

   He stayed quiet, he didn't want to ruin anything... But when he looked at you, his pinpricks started to change shape..?

   You pushed him onto his back and laid him down on the ground. Sweat(?) dripping down his face... Oh my. His little friend became more evident as you sat there squirming... How does that even work? You didn't know, maybe you could find a book on it in the library here or when you get back home... Or maybe you could ask him...

   "I noticed your little friend, and I was wondering if you could explain it to me, how it works..?" You slowly reach for his shorts, he retorts with a blood red face and snaps his fingers.

   You were suddenly above the floor with nothing underneath you... Red's heavy breathing was by the windows and he was clutching his chest with flushed cheeks.

   He growled, "Maybe next time sweet cheeks, I have a meetin' to go to," he looked away and waited there for a couple of minutes, you sat on the floor and waited...

   He snapped his fingers and was gone... So much for that plan...

Standing up, the floor was cold and the air was warm... Walking over to the star, gently touching it...


.      .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .     .

   Waiting... Waitingggg, and more waitingggg.
You sit on your bed with your eyes closed.
Sighinggggg. Ah shit, you forgot the card Eric gave you in your pant pocket... you don't think you're getting it back anytime soon...
   Jumping, a vision begins to pass through your eyes... Hah, hah... Heavy breathing... Chains clanging and scraping on the floor... A door creaks open, it was staring at you... Step, step, step. Scrape, scrape, scrape. Screaming, it sounded like yours.

. . .

You sat still on your bed... What was that... Chains? Was something coming to get you, why did you scream??? Oh God, you were going to die again weren't you...

Breathing... You sit and wait... Your stomach grumbling. Swallowing saliva and sweating buckets. The colors in the sky change from a dark blueish grey to a blackish blueish orange.

You can't remember how long you sat there, but the light from the windows were completely gone now... Why are you so tired...

Sleep... Go to sleep? Should sleep.....







   SCREAM, you screamed and wail, someone was above you standing by your bed tearing the skin off your body, they were smiling, you could barely see, blood drips down your body and soaks the bed as he scraped and clawed your skin off, peeling it like a banana...

   It was the skeleton in the dungeon. He was eating you. The flesh he pulled off, he was ripping it up with his teeth and eating it.
Screaming even louder, he pulled your flesh harder. The door slammed open and the skeleton that was ripping your skin apart was grabbed by the throat and slammed against the wall. Looking over you saw a big red eye and a burly coat, he held an axe up to the skeleton with chains...

   "Cage, what the hell are you doing." He growled at 'Cage'... Cage laughed and licked his teeth... He licked your blood off his cheek bones through his holey mouth...
   You gasped as you tried to move, your arms and legs stinging, exposed to the air.


   Horror's eye widened... His breath hitched listening to you gasping at the pain you were in... He dropped Cage to the floor, then he hacked his fucking head off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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