Chapter 3

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     With widened eyes, you push Killer away, his knife barely scraping your neck. He looked at you and scoffed,
". . .", you looked around uncomfortable, all of a sudden, you were tackled to the ground.
"Push me like that again and you won't have hands to push me with.. got it. . .?" You swallowed and looked into his eyesockets, he grinned at you sinisterly.
     You nod, then he gets off of you.
"Stand up Bitch.. we're going to get you some food if I want you to last long enough until Horror's turn.." He glared at you and crossed his arms tapping his finger on his elbow. You stood up and balanced yourself, then Killer reached out to you, and all of a sudden you weren't in that dark and dreary room anymore.
     The floors were tiled and the counter was made of a dark Grey marble, the cabinets were a dark wood, mahogany maybe, but all of your surroundings screamed you were in the kitchen. At the fridge there stood a skeleton to whom you haven't met yet (Fortunaly). He wore a lot of black and white, his scarf was black and white, his shirt, his pants, and his scarf went just high enough to cover his mouth. His eyes were two different colors, one was white, and the other was red, and he had a red scar under his right eye, it was somewhat visible even with the scarf.
     The skeleton snapped his head towards you and Killer, "Just getting the little whore some food, don't get your panties in a twist, Cross." 'Cross' looked at him and glared, "Just leave my side of the fridge alone, I'll know if you take anything.."
     Killer's eyes had little circular pinpricks in them, you couldn't really see them, but they just appeared all of a sudden, and Killer's smile widened.
     Cross' gaze was on Killer until he walked out of the door way. Killer walked over to the fridge, and on the way, he grabbed a permanent marker, he opened the fridge and picked up a bunch of chocolate bars that were labeled, "CROSS," Killer crossed out Cross' name on all of them and labeled them, "BITCH BOY'S," You looked at him and slowly backed away, he seemed busy, maybe he wouldn't notice you trying to get away.
     You get to the frame of the kitchen entrance, then you book it, Killer looked up, but he didn't seem worried. You didn't care what he would do, so you ran, but the hallway seemed to be never ending, and somehow you ended back at the kitchen, "Wrong turn, Sugar?"
Killer looked at you with amusement, then he picked you up with his magic and slammed you down on a chair, "Eat this, so you'll gain all of your little whore energy."
     You glared at him, then you picked up and inspected what he tried to feed you, Killer rolled his unnoticeable pinpricks, they were starting to disappear. You took a bite of the food in front of you, it was labeled Killer on the box that sat on the counter, did he really just Give you his food? What an Asshole, he kidnaps you, then feeds you his own food, like he's trying to be nice even though he doesnt want you dead yet, he's such a dick...
     Killer sat on the counter kicking his legs and swinging his knife infront of his face. "Done?", "No.", "Hurry the fuck up then," you rolled your eyes, then you felt a sharp sting, then a liquid rolling down your right cheek, you lift your hand to touch it, but when you pull away, there was red smeared on your hand. You turn your head and see a knife sticking out of the wall. You look towards Killer and see his hand stretched out as if he threw something, your face turned pale, then you looked at him.
     "Careful if I were you, we're not your friends, we kidnapped you, so from a kidnapper to a kidnappee, be careful Kid. . . ." Killer grinned at you, "Stand your ass up, we're going to go out," You stand up slowly, then walk over to him, he stood by the kitchen entrance. You walked out into the hallway carefully, then you ran for it, Killer smiled then teleported his knife into his hand.
     You suddenly turned right, Killer's eyesockets widened then he ran after you. Killer ran right into the room you were in, and right passed the sign that was labeled, 'Library.'
     Killer shouted, "Hey, Bitch, come on out!" You ran further and further, your shoes smacking the carpeted floor, Killer's voice got fainter and fainter, you turned left, and there was a whole 'nother wing of books, you slowed down and started walking.. your breathing uneven and your hair unruly.
     You stopped in front of one of the many book shelves, then you started reading the spines of the books. You lifted your hand, looking around at your surroundings first, then you placed your hand on one of the books and pulled it out. "The Cask of Amontillado. . ? Have you read it before. . .?" You whip your head around, but you see nothing, "Edgar Allen Poe is one of my personal favorite authors, but there are many other great authors. ."
You gulp, then you talk back, " Yeah, In this specific book, I like how the narrator sends all of his workers home for the night just so there were no witnesses for when he lead Fortunado to his doom.." Your eyes scanned around the room. You still couldn't see anyone, "Who are you? And do you think you could help me out?"
     It went quiet, then you heard Killer shouting in the distance, then the voice spoke again, "You'll know my name soon enough, and No, I will not help you out, don't ask again."
     Killer got closer and closer until he was basically right infront of you...
Killer turned and looked at you, you were sitting on the floor book in hand, and the essence of his Boss in the dark corner. "Sorry, Boss, I'll take her away now..." Killer snatched your wrist, making you drop the book on the floor, then you both teleported back into that dark and dreary room . . .

♡ It started with a Book ♡ (Bad Sanses x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now