100: Moment to Live

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The evening of that day, Shine and Wally were tired of all the negativity.

"I know we have to deal with Vara and the Salem thing," Wally said, "but I think we could really just relax for one day."

"Well, our date was fun last night," Shine said.

"That was 24 hours ago," Wally said. "And I thought maybe with the team, you know... I mean, I love hanging out with you, but I don't think we've even done anything fun with some of them, except for that one movie."

"Fair enough," Shine said. "I'm bushed, though. Not sure I want to go out...but maybe I'll get the girls and see if they want to do anything quiet."

"I bet there's an arcade here somewhere..." Wally said.

Well...to say that Qrow and Tai were exactly down for that idea would be overly ambitious...but Qrow agreed to it if they didn't mind that he'd win.

And only because Wally said he needed help chaperoning the kids so they wouldn't wander off.

Ren declined to go, but Sun, Neptune, part of team CFVY, and Oscar all agreed to the idea. Sun also wanted to get noodles.

Whitley was invited--and accepted out of curiosity, though he said it was beneath him.

Hazel declined. He didn't do "fun".

Mercury went because he had nothing better to do and needed to blend in. But he wished Emerald would have gone so he could have avoided interacting with anyone new.

[Introverts, am I right?]

That taken care of, Shine and the girls were all left at Shade.

Theo was sulking in his office, or else he must have been outside the school--and honestly they were sick of him. Maybe he was looking for Vara.

Pyrrha seemed like she was in a really good mood, to Emerald and Yang's slight annoyance. Certainly too-happy people weirded Emerald out--and Yang was still mad about being kidnapped.

She told them yet again more of what Victoria had said and done.

Winter returned from checking in with the Ace Ops--again, to find them not doing much productive.

"Weiss, have you trained or studied at all?" she asked.

"Studied?" Weiss said.

"Just because you're not currently enrolled is no excuse not to study," Winter said.

"Oh...well..." Weiss said.

"Enough of this." Shine came in carrying some bags. "The guys are all gone, except for Hazel, and we should be doing something fun too."

"Like what?" Blake was trying to read for once in ages.

"I don't know, what do you do here for fun?" Shine asked. "Where I live, we have things called sleepovers, pajama parties, girls' nights. Practices vary, but a lot of people do make overs, karaoke, games, and things that you definitely shouldn't do."

"You know how to make something sound lame," Yang said. "And is this really the time for something stupid like this?"

"I'm disappointed to hear you say that," Shine said, "because the whole party was going to be in your honor."

Yang frowned.

"To celebrate your return and your mother's--but she won't come out of her room." Shine rolled her eyes. "Raven acts just like some goth teenager."

"Miss Likstar, is this really a good idea?" Winter said. "We have things we need to discuss. I have some questions for you--"

"And that's a perfect idea, Winter," Shine said. "We all hardly know each other, some of us. Questions would be a great game to play. You should join us."

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