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[Cover design by Julianna Gardner

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[Cover design by Julianna Gardner.]

It was a cold, dark night, and Oscar Pine was having arguably the worst day of his life.

Actually, it might be tied with the day before, but it was up there.

[See Volume 6's last 4 episodes for context if you quit after volume 3]

He was wondering what to do now.

He would have spoken to someone...if he could have, but everyone was angry at him...he couldn't blame them, he'd have been too.

Not that it was his fault...nope, just the 2000 year old spirit in his head!

Narrating his own thoughts right now wasn't making him feel any better, but at least it was a distraction for how sore his ribs were after getting knocked around so much.

As he wandered the streets of Argus, he wondered if Ozpin would speak to him...but he didn't.

What was he supposed to do now? 

If he added it all up, the impending loss of his idenity, the impending doom of the world...the lack of a weakness in his enemy to exploit...the lack of anyone who wanted to talk to him about it...

There was really no upside to this.

[Hear that show writers? This is how you actually have a character have a crisis!]

He saw a park up ahead and wandered that direction, aimlessly. There was a statue rising over the trees.

[I got part of this idea from Crumbling Cube's take on it, and I recommend their RWBY Thoughts videos for a hilarious and poignant version of the show that actually makes sense.]

* * *

A flash of light and an opening into a dark night...and there they were.

Shine and Wally both felt a little dizzy from the jump--and those first mission jitters.

"Oh...wow...that kind of hurt," Wally stumbled forward.

"Between worlds it does..." Shine said. "And the first time too...something about the shock of a whole new atmosphere...sometimes I collapse for a few minutes."

She took a few steps, and seeing a tree, she leaned on it instead. "It'll pass."

"I think I'm okay now," Wally rubbed his hands together. "Oh wow, this is gonna be so cool...uh...wait where the heck is this?"

"I don't know...this doesn't look like the school in Haven," Shine was looking around too.

"This doesn't look like anywhere I've seen," Wally said. "Other than an old photo of San Francisco back when my mom was a kid." [It's funny because the writers designed it that way.]

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