33: The Graveyard of the Fallen

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Inside, the others heard the crash.

Willow got freaked out by it and ran off to hide in her room, despite Klein's attempt to stop her. She'd dropped a bottle also.

Ren and Nora were startled by it also.

Downstairs, Pyrrha had sat down while Jaune went to check that the windows were all locked, and she'd almost started to doze, she was so tired.

Oscar couldn't sleep because he was so sore, but he'd been lying still, but then he felt a chill.

"I think that's it..." Ozpin muttered.

Pyrrha jumped up. For a second, Beacon flashed before her eyes.

Then she knew where she was.

She clenched her fists together.

"Pyrrha, the Hound, it's here," Oscar said. "We ran out of time."

"Come." Pyrrha hurried over to him and started to pull him up. "You shouldn't be down here--it'll be easier for it to find you..."

The ground broke open outside, and some very ugly bug Grimm crawled out of it... They looked engorged.

Pyrrha saw them out the window, and she almost thought she'd be sick.

"What are those?" Oscar struggled to sit up and gasped.

"Your muscles locked up," Pyrrah realized. "You can't fight like this."

She took his arm. "They won't see us yet--"

One of them turned. [Yes, I made it more than one--because it was stupid before that one of them was such a problem for two people when it was so vulnerable it could just be sliced in half.]

The bug Grimm attacked, and Pyrrha saw Ruby and Blake out there.

So where was the--?

The Hound came crashing through the front window without further warning.

* * *

Weiss got a call from Ruby and Blake warning her there were Grimm here. She was with Whitley in the office.

"Can you handle this?" she said.

"Assuming you can handle that," Whitley said. He apparently had the family gene of sass even if he didn't have the Semblance.

Weiss found it irritating but ignored it. "I've got to go help them." She raced out of the room. "Ren, Jaune? We have to protect the Maiden," she called them.

"On it already." Ren had raced across the hall.

Fria was stirring like she heard the Grimm.

* * *

The Hound threw Ruby and Blake around a couple times before the other Grimm popped up to distract them...so again it apparently called for backup.

It also kept saying, "Take the Girl."

Which freaked them out, since they'd never heard a Grimm speak before.

Shine wasn't as fast as them, but when she caught up, she got a good look at the thing.

It dashed off before she could do anything and rushed into the house.

"Can you two handle those?" She pointed at the bugs.

"Oh, sure," Blake said flatly. "No problem."

"Then I've got to keep that thing away from Fria and the others," Shine said. She ran towards the house.

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