173: Not Anymore

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The channel being at least 20 miles wide, it wasn't the work of a few minutes to cross it.

The water in front of them was pushed about 20 feet high and then closed behind them at a lower point, like a large egg.

Inside it they saw fish, and some of them hit the wall and swam away.

Vara and Raven were flying instead of walking, and they could see the grimm howling at them from the other side.

"I've seen a lot of different things since I joined their campaign," Raven said. "I can't decide if this makes the top 5 or not."

"It does for me." Vara was baffled. "Even if we used magic to do that, it wouldn't happen so neatly. It's like a wall around them."

Winter flew ahead to survey the far shore.

"No sign of trouble yet," she reported.

Sun put his hand into the water wall and pulled it back out.

His hand was wet, sure enough... but he made no impression on the wall at all.

"It's just like the book," Pyrrha said in a hushed voice.

"Not exactly." Shine was checking her book and looking up. "I think it was more like a tunnel of dry ground, and it took all night... We're more of encased in a single point of it--but I'm not going to complain. Wow..." She touched the water also.

A fish looked at her judgmentally.

"Is that a Grimm?" Blake saw a different creature on the other side.

There were, in fact, some aquatic Grimm coming their way. They eyed the Relics and the people menacingly--but they didn't seem to dare to leave the water, or they couldn't.

Nothing big as the Hydra that could have just stepped over the wall and crushed them.

Neptune was trying to look dead ahead.

"So much water..." he whimpered.

"I don't think it's going to do anything to you, mate," Meridian said. "This water ain't like other water."

"I don't think it's the water that's different," Weiss mused in a quiet voice.

 "Em, this is a really weird quest," Mercury said.

"Yeah..." She was gawking.

"Uncle Qrow--" Ruby tugged his arm. "I'm starting to think we might be underestimating how much we've got going for us. Maybe Salem isn't as powerful as we thought--I can't see her doing this."

"I doubt she would bother." Qrow was a little puzzled himself. "Sheesh... this is something else."

"You could have just flown across," Hazel said.

"I'd be missing the view though." Qrow eyed one of the fish swimming away.

"Hey, watch this." Meridian tied a string to one of his arrows and then shot it into the water. He yanked a huge fish out. "This could take care of supper tonight."

"EW!" Weiss jumped back as the fish thrashed.

Meridian just killed it using his sword edge.

"That was actually really cool," Jaune admitted.

"It's gross. There's blood everywhere now," Weiss said.

"A little bit is not everywhere," Meridian said. "And that's what happens when you kill something. Don't tell me you're against fishing now?"

"Well, no, but watching it..." Weiss said.

"How do you people even call yourselves huntsmen?" Cinder was disgusting. "You call that blood? Please."

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