144: Faith and Trust

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[Amazing what you can find on Know Your Meme

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[Amazing what you can find on Know Your Meme.]

The hull hit right over their heads and began sinking.

It just missed Pyrrha and Jaune, who hit the water farther away.

Yang struggled to get out from under it, hoping not the much of it was overhead.

Neptune was thrashing around too much.

One of the Grimm sharks latched onto his leg and started dragging him farther down.

D--- it! Yang thought.

She tried to follow--fumbling to pull out a dust clip that might be helpful in this situation... Fire was no good, so maybe ice?

She was going to run out of air too though.

It was hard to see, but she didn't think Neptune looked quite normal--

Then she saw it was because the water was actually moving away from him--like in a bubble, not just from being kicked.

It moved away from the shark Grimm also, till the thing started flapping in the air pocket it was now in.

Neptune kicked it off, maybe more by accident than anything else.

He looked like he was trying to yell something that she couldn't hear through the water.

She didn't understand what he was afraid of if he had air, until she noticed the water shooting towards her like some kind of blanket, like it was crawling away from him and smothering her instead.

What the...?

Yang kicked to get free from it...with some success, but her air supply was too low. She felt like she was going to pass out--no, the surface was still too far away. She had to make it farther than this!

Suddenly the water under her rushed downward, just like if you opened the plug in a bathtub.

The air and light changed completely, and she was on this grassy patch of land, and the air was crisp like regular fall weather--biting after being wet like that.

Water promptly fell on her like a bucket being poured.

"Yang!" Tai cried, coming up to her.

Neptune was close, coughing.

"You're all right?" Penny said, hovering over his head. "Mostly...a bit water-logged perhaps."

Yang spat water out.

"I...I was drowning..." she gasped. "But...where is this?"

"You don't recognize it?" Tai pointed.

Yang looked...a familiar hill.

a familiar hill

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