105: To the Edge

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Weiss had been minding her own business mostly, watching Ruby play--and declining to join her.

She thought she saw a fight almost start with Yang, but it looked like Neptune diffused it...so he was good for something.

"Well, this just turned out great," she muttered. "Ruby, I'm not sure we're welcome here."

"Relax, Weiss," Ruby dismissed it. "Nothing's going on. Besides, I've almost beat my high score."

"Oh sure, that's so important," Weiss said. 

"Weiss, can you get me a juice?" Ruby asked.

"Why can't you get it?" Weiss said.

"I'm trying to concentrate!" Ruby said. "And you're not doing anything. Please..."

"Ugh." Weiss rolled her eyes and walked away to the counter.

What was Ruby's favorite again?... Oh, anything would be fine.

"One juice please," she said.

The guy looked her up and frowned. "Look, we let kids in here to use the dance floor, but I draw the line at serving them booze, alright? The huntsmen let the rest slide as long as we're not liable."

"Not alcohol," Weiss said, in disgust. "Just regular juice."

"Oh...well, I only have two flavors," the guy said.

"Just pick one. I don't care," Weiss said.

"Rough day?" the guy said.

"No...yes... It's just a typical day," Weiss said. 

She turned pointedly.

"You might not want to do that," someone addressed her.

She looked up.

Some guy probably her age or a few years older at most--with a weapon, so likely a huntsman--was sitting a couple seats down and watching her with a mischievous grin.

"Excuse me?" she said.

"Turning your back on the counter," the guy said. "That's how people slip something in your drink."

Weiss blinked.

"You here alone?" the guy asked.

"No," Weiss said primly.

The last thing she needed was some weirdo trying to start something with her.

"I figured." The guy had a weird accent. [We pictured Scottish again... Don't know why it seemed to fit Vacuo so well.] "Aren't you a Schnee?"

Weiss did not acknowledge that.

"Schnee?" The counter person took a closer look at her. "Well, she's got the hair, but plenty of people have white hair."

"Hair, eyes, outfit." The other guy looked her up and down. "And sword. I saw her in the festival. Weiss, right?"

"If you're going to say something about my family, I really don't want to hear it," Weiss said tightly.

"Get that a lot, do you?" The guy didn't give up.

"More than I like," Weiss said, prickly.

"Can you blame 'em?" the bartender said. "Do you have money to pay for this?" He frowned.

"She's a Schnee--she's got money," the guy said.

It was dark in here, but his flaming red hair kind of stood out. He fit the Vacuo mode of oddly dressed, rough-looking people.

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