160: Remember What We're Fighting For

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[We now have over 12 arcs in this story. I've definitely surpassed the show.]

Down they fell like the children of Eden. Down they fell like the tower, As the land relinquished her ghost.

  Heed the sirens, take shelter, my lover. Flee the fire that devours. But the sight held me fixed Like a bayonet against my throat.

  Neither plague or famine tempered my courage, Nor did raids make me cower, But his translucent skin made me shiver deep within my bones.

  It was a pale white horse With a crooked smile, And I knew it was my time. It was the raging storm Of a foreign war, And a face I'd seen before.

Weiss, Jaune, Libby, Meridian, and Hamish found the same thing the others had, only less people on their side of the kingdom.

"I almost miss it when Victoria Kanap was our big problem here," Weiss commented. "This is so much more eerie."

"At least we know what's going on now," Meridian said.

"This was my home," Libby said, scowling. "It wasn't much, but it was all we had. That beastly witch. I hope someone puts a firecracker in her face."

"Heh..." Jaune laughed weakly. "I've seen things like this before--the Grimm move in...but this is just worse."

"So as long as we're near Mer, we won't be affected?" Hamish clarified.

"As much," Jaune said. "But we're not sure we won't be at all."

They walked and walked.

Finally they found one of the music stations. Sure enough, it was taken down, and some of the parts were missing.

"I'm starting to think this kingdom's problem with thievery might be a bit more serious than I thought," Meridian said.

"Oh, you think?" Weiss said irritatedly.

"It's bit of fun until it costs you your life," Libby said. "Eh, maybe your brother is right--crime don't pay."

"It only took the whole kingdom turning into zombies for you to realize that?" Weiss said.

"Oh, take it easy, Snowflake," Hamish said.

"Snowflake is what Klein calls me," Weiss said. "Not you."

Penny waved at them overhead and pointed.

"I think she found the tunnel maybe," Weiss said.

They ran that way.

Sure enough, Penny had found the grate that the team had used before.

They didn't see anything right away.

"Do we go down?" Libby asked.

"What if they're waiting right there?" Weiss didn't want to see that again.

"Good, we can kill 'em all." Meridian jumped down before they could stop him.

"Dear sun above, he really is mad." Libby looked at Hamish.

"He's a bit," Hamish said, "but the b-----d is usually able to take care of himself. Mostly I watch his back."

"So why don't you have four teammates?" Libby asked.

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