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"Y/n! Y/n! Are you all right?"

Someone was slapping my face.


My eyes shot open as I took in a loud gasp of air, my whole body shaking.

The first thing I was able to comprehend was that the lights were now on and the floor beneath me shook, the train must be moving again. I seemed to slide out of my seat and onto the floor, unable to catch myself, still completely out of it.

I then noticed the very concerned faces of everyone around me, all on the floor at my side.

I felt absolutely sick, my hands making me way shakily to my face, I then realized it was wet. I had been crying, I wasn't sure when I had started, but that didn't seem to matter at the moment.

Harry immediately started helping me up at once side while Fred grabbed the other as I was sat back into my seat, eyes flying as I looked around the room.

"Y/n! Hey, Y/n, look at me!" I took a deep breath facing Harry as he called my name.

"Its alright, it's over, you're okay." He attempted to soothe me, and it worked as my breathing slowed my hands quickly grabbing his which he held tightly with worry.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked nervously after a few moments.

I looked around, now able to focus seeing the fearful faces around me.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered out, looking toward the door where the creature was, but it was now gone.

"Its gone y/n/n, it's gone okay," came Freds voice calmly and I looked back to him as he met my eyes, his filled with worry as he pushed my hair out of my face where it was stuck due to the cold sweat that covered it.

"What happened? Where's that thing? Who screamed?" I questioned all at once. 

"No one screamed." George said with a concerned face as his eyes meet his twins, the two sharing a look. 

I looked around the now lit room and see the pale faces of Ginny and Neville staring at me. 

"But I heard screaming--"

A loud snap made all of us jump. Professor Lupin was breaking an enormous slab of chocolate into pieces. 

"Here," he said handing me a particularly large piece. "Eat it. It'll help." 

He looked worried, very worried as he kept looking between Harry and I particulary. But, it was more than that, his look, there was more behind his worry. I also noticed how he was hesitate to look either of us in the eyes. 

I took the chocolate from his hand stopping for a moment as his eyes made contact with mine, his face seemed to falter softly before looking away again, this almost sad gaze in his eyes. 

I didn't eat the chocolate as I looked still at the man. 

"What was that thing?" I asked. 

"A dementor," said Lupin, who was now giving chocolate to everyone else, but not without faltering slightly as he did with me once he reached Harry. 

"One of the dementors from Azkaban?" Fred asked, confusion on his face. 

"Yes, exactly that." he said to Fred who looked unhappy with the fact he was right.

"I thought they were only supposed to be at Hogwarts entrances..." George muttered not liking what had just occurred one bit. 

Everyone went back to staring at Lupin as he crumpled up the empty chocolate wrapper and put it in his pocket.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now