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After figuring out why were so famous and why everyone knows our names it left us with even more questions. Questions we didn't even know we'd want to ask until now.

But there was no time to linger on them as Hagrid brought us to the train station where we'd finally make our way to this, Hogwarts school.

We're both very excited about it but also nervous.

It's one thing to be new to a school but a whole another thing when everywhere knows exactly who you are, and you don't know them.

Harry and I each had a cart with all of of school supplies on them along with our owls.

We were walking when Hagrid said "Blimey! Is that the time?"

"Sorry, you two. I'm going to have to leave you. Dumbledore Will want thi.... Well he'll be wanting to see me." He tells us as he puts his hand over the pocket where the object he took from the bank was.

"Now , your train leaves in ten minutes. Here's you tickets." Hagrid tells us handing them both to Harry who then gives me one.

"Stick to it, Harry,Y/n. It's very important." He tells us as we both started reading over them.

I than raise a brown noticing it said "Platform 9 and 3/4."

Where on earth would that be? Is it even a thing?

Harry was also confused as we both looked to each other and then up for Hagrid.

"But Hagrid, there must be a mistake." Harry starts.

I then add "It says platform 9 and 3/4. There's no such thing. Is there?"

We only see that he is no longer with us and we are by ourselves very confused.

We eventually made our way down to where platforms 9 and 10 were looking near the two wondering what to do next.

"Excuse me. Excuse me!" I heard Harry call making me look his direction. I followed him as he found a train station worker.

"Excuse me sir, could you tell us where we might find platform 9 and 3/4s?" Harry asked as the man looked to us not amused.

"Platform 9 and 3/4s? Think your being funny now do yah?" He said before walking away leaving us annoyed.

Though I perked up as I heard a very familiar word that Hagrid once said.

"Every year, it's packed with muggles of course." A red headed women exclaimed as she held a little girls hand and had more children following behind her, all with red hair.

"Muggles." I mutter as I grabbed Harry's arm and he nodded as we followed them.

"Platform 9 and 3/4s, this way!" She exclaims to her children as they followed behind her.

We just stood and watched as they all stopped in front of a brick pillar wall that has 9 and 10 on each side.

"Alright Percy, you first." She says and we watch curiously.

He then starts running to the wall and our eyes widen as he suddenly disappeared.

"Fred, you next." She calls and I look to see very similar looking boys, obviously twins. I've never met any other twins before.

"He's not Fred, i am!" One of them exclaims as the other says "Honestly women, and you call yourself our mother."

This made me chuckle slightly.

She sighs "Ohh, I'm sorry George." And she then points to the wall for him to go next.

He then walks over to where his other is and says "I'm only joking, I am Fred." He then just like the first one disappears through the wall the other twin right behind him.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now