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I was woken up early the next day by Hermione who was rapidly getting dressed and trying to look her very best.

"Come on Y/n, you have to get ready now if we want to make it to breakfast and get to class early."

I groaned pulling my blanket over my head.

I hear her sigh though before me feet were suddenly pulled making me yelp.

"Hermione." I groan but she just tosses my robe at me as it hits my face.

I blow my hair out of my face before getting up and getting dressed.

I wanted to wait for Harry to show up for breakfast but him and Ron didn't show up on time so we both ate our breakfast. I was even more agitated when seeing breakfast was basically over and it was time to head to class but they still weren't here.

"Don't worry, Y/n. I'm sure they probably slept in. I mean you almost did yourself." She tells me and I nod knowing she's probably right.

"I think I'll go check on them." I say about to walk the other direction from our first class.

"I'm sure they'll be along. We can't make a bad first impression now can we?" She asks and I sigh knowing she's right. Harry would have to learn himself to be on time from now on considering I'm not there to wake him up everyday anymore.

"Let's go get our seats."
She tells me and I follow her not liking the empty spot besides me as I walked.

We eventually made our way to the class and I smiled seeing it was with Professor Mcgonaglle. I'm not sure what it is about her but she brings me a sense of comfort.

Hermione pulled my arm as we safe down at the same table and the one next to us was empty, which I hoped Harry would take when he arrived so we were somewhat by each other.

The class soon filled up and I sighed talking my foot waiting for Harry to show up. He's definitely late.

We stared working in our books and I jumped turning around with a small smile happy to finally see Harry.

Him and Ron looked as though they've been running.

"Phew, made it." Ron exclaimed lowly as he was breathing slightly heavy.

"Could you image the look on old Mcgonaglles face if we were late?" Ron asks liking at Harry.

What. An. Idiot.

She's right there.

She, in the form of a cat jumped off of the table before turning back into a human.

So wicked.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron says in awe.

"Thank you for hat assessment Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure yourself and Mr. Potter into a pocket watch. That way one of you might be on time." She says making me snort slightly.

"We got lost." Harry tells her with a small frown.

"Then perhaps a map." She suggests.

She then looks to the empty table beside me and says "I trust you don't need one to find your seats." She then adds as she turns to walk back to the front of the room.

At that I stand up before pulling Harry and Ron by there seats and forcing them into their chairs.

"Late on the first day you two!" I whisper yell.

"Harry were already completely clueless about all of this, we don't need to be behind either." I tell him sincerely and he nods saying.

"I know. We'll be on time from now on."

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now