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Let's just say we never got to all practice because of the whole fiasco thanks to Malfoy. I was still glaring at the boy until Fred gently grabbed my forearm with  a glare of his own to Malfoy before his face softens as he looked to me.

He then nodded his head to the others making me sigh and follow him to the group all huddling around Ron.

"Are you okay?" I quickly ask getting down but he gets no words out making me grimace as another slug comes from his mouth.

"Let's go to Hagrid, we won't get in trouble if we go to him I'm sure and he'll know what to do."  I add making them all nod as we head to his hut.

"This calls for a specialists equipment." Hagrid says as he walks over to Ron before handing him a bucket making me scrunch my nose.

"Nothing to do but wait till it stops I'm afraid." He tells us making us all sigh feeling bad for the boy.

We all grimace as he throws up another making Hagrid say "Better out than in."

"Who was Ron trying to curse anyway?" He asks with sudden curiosity.

"Malfoy." Fred says sternly.

"He called Hermione...well, I don't know exactly what it means." Harry says making me nod.

Hermione than stands up crossing her hands over her chest walking away from us before saying "He called me a mudblood."

I watch as Hagrid gasps and the twins both look down feeling sorry for the girl.

"He did not." Hagrid gasps.

"What's a mudblood?" I ask genuinely very curious.

"It means dirty blood." Hermione says as she turns around to face us again.

"Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is muggle born." Fred tells me softly making me nod taking in this information.

"It's not a term one hears in a civilized conversation." George adds quietly as though it was a curse word, it may as well be one from what I'm gathering.

"Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me." She exclaims with teary eyes making me frown before jumping up and hugging her.

"See, the thing is Harry, Y/n, there's some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than everyone else, because they're what people call pure-blood." Hagrid adds with his own distaste.

"That's horrible!" We both exclaim.

"I'm so sorry he called you such a thing Mione, and just so you know he's just jealous that your a better witch than he could ever be as a wizard." She hugs me tightly at this in thanks before we pull away.

"She's right, Malfoy wishes he was as talented as you are Hermione." Fred says with a soft smile making the girl smile slightly and I give him a nod in thanks.

"Plus, as long as we're around we've got your back, all of us." George adds with a grin.

Hermione looks to us all gratefully.

"It's codswallop, to boot. Dirty blood...Why there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Hermione can't do. Come here." He says to her making her smile even widen as he takes her hands in his.

"Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it for one minute. Hey?" He adds with a kind smile making her nod.


I groan as I rub my eyes tired of this torture that Lockhart calls detention.

My eyes start to hurt as he has Harry and I helping him go through his fan mail.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now