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The next day Harry and I were woken up by Wood and brought to the quidditch field.

We followed him as he carried a large box in his hands.

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. Three chasers, two beaters, one keeper, and a seeker. You two are a seeker and a chaser." He tells us as with a thick Scottish accent as we help him carry the box to the middle of the field.

We then place the box down and he the proceeds to open up the box.

He pulls out an odd shaped ball from the middle. This sides were bent in slightly, which I assumed helped with grabbing the ball.

He tosses it to me and I catch it as he says "There are three kinds of balls."

"This ones called the quaffle, now Y/n, you and the other chasers handle the quaffle and try to put it in one of those three hoops." I follow where he pointed to see three very tall poles with circles at the top.

"The keeper, that's me..." he says with a small smile making me chuckle before he adds "Defends the hoop."

"With me so far?" We both nod and continue to listen.

"I think so." Harry tells him while I say "Got yah, the twins helped explain some of this to me yesterday."

He grins "Nice work, Y/n. Good to be ahead of the game." He compliments and I smile while Harry playfully glares at me before smiling.

"What are those?" Harry asks looking back down into the box.

He puts the other ball down before grabbing the, might I say wild ball.

"You might want to hold this." He says handing me a bat like stick making me raise a brow.

He then pushes a button and the ball immediately shoots up into the air.

My eyes widen as it suddenly heads straight towards Harry and I and a fast speed.

"Careful now. It's coming back." Wood warns.

Just as it got close to us I quickly swung the bat roughly as it smacked into the ball sending it flying right through a statue with two swords held up.

Wood smirked impressed and says "Not bad Potter. You'd make a fair beater." I grin at this while Harry pats my back slightly with a smile congratulating me.

My eyes then widen as the ball flies right back towards us.

"Uh oh." Woods says as it flies straight towards him.

He catches it and it's sends him flying or the ground making me gasp.

We then watch as he struggles with the wild ball to put it back into the box.

He then quickly throws the ball into its place before locking it back in with a heavy breath.

"What was that?!" We exclaim.

He takes heavy breaths before turning to us and saying "Bludger."

"Nastily little buggers." He adds with a small but tired smile.

He then pints his finger to Harry "But you are a seeker."

He reaches into the box pulling out the smallest ball in the box, even smaller than our hands.

He holds it up and I smile at it as it was gold engraved and looked very pretty.

"The only thing I want you to worry about is this." He says holding it towards Harry.

"The golden snitch." He tells us as he places it into Harry's hand making him smile.

"I like this ball." Harry says with a grin.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora