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After getting changed I ended up back with my brother and Ron and I noticed Hermione was hesitant to join us so I just let her be for now.

They both were changed into their robes themselves and I smiled slightly giving a twirl. We never have gotten new clothes and definitely not some this nice, even if they are a uniform but they look really cool.

The train soon after stopped and we all walked out of it with wide curious grins.

I smile even bigger when I see Hagrid there with a lantern.

"Right then, first years. This way please!" He walks closer and says "Come on now, first years!"

We walk over to him with Ron at our side.

"Well hello Y/n, Harry." He greets with a smile.

We return it and say "Hello Hagrid."

"Woah!" Ron says eyeing Hagrid due to how tall he was.

"Follow me!" He exclaims once all the first years were out the train.

We all follow him to a large lake where dozens of boats were waiting.

We all got into the boats as we soon approach a ginormous castle in the distance.

And it was beautiful.

When I looked to the castle and the people around me, it suddenly felt like home.

We made our way into the castle as we walked through long tall hallways and up many stairs but stopped as were meant with a women at the top of the stairs.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!" She greets with a very formal look about her.

"Now in a few moments you will pass through theses doors and join your fellow classmates. Before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses..." she starts.


What does she mean by houses?

"There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." She states as she looks over us all.

"Now, while your here. Your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup....." she's cut off though as a boy exclaims.


I look and see a boy jump forward to catch the frog on the floor in front of the women who stares back down at him not amused.

Some people laugh but when he stands back up the frog in his hands and walks over our way I whisper "Glad you found him. I assume your the one who lost him on the train?"

He blushes at this obviously very shy but nods and I just send him a kind smile which he slowly returns.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." She says before walking off as her heels click against the ground.

It was silent for a moment until a voice suddenly spoke up.

"So it's true then, what they were saying on the train." We all turn to look at the person who spoke and I see a boy with platinum blonde hair.

"Harry and Y/n Potter have come to Hogwarts." He adds.

At this the whole room broke out into whispers and some just looked shocked making me sigh not liking the attention.

Harry notices as he steps closer to me.

"This is Crabbe and this is Goyle." He says introducing his to friends or should I say minions. He then steps forward with a confident smirk and stride.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now