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After leaving the bank we made our way back to Diagonally where Hagrid helped us both get everything we needed but one thing.

He took most of the things and held them for us being the kind man he was, even when we protested.

Harry pulls out our list and says "We still need.... A wand." He tell Hagrid who grins.

"A wand? Well you'll want to go to Ollivanders. Ain't no place better." He says pointing to a certain building.

"Why don't you two run along there. I've got one more thing, won't be long." He tells us and we nod heading up to the greenish building with gold worn writing. "Makers of Fine Wands Since 382 b.c."

Harry and I walked into the very empty store.

It was silent as we put our stuff down and then stepped forward to the front desk.

"Hello?" I call out softly and when no one answered Harry spoke more loudly "Hello!" We both jumped grabbed each other at a sudden bang.

We look over to see an old man looking over to us curiously as he was stood up on a moving ladder against the tall shelves stalked completely with box's.

He then smiled with excitement.

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr. and Ms. Potter." He said brightly with a glint in his eye.

He then climbed down the steps and immediately started skimming through some of the small boxes on the shelves.

"Seems only yesterday your mother and father were in here buying their first wands."

He adds finally grabbing two boxes and at the mention of our parents I perked up wanting to know more.

He walked over to us as he opened the boxes holding a wand in each hand before holding one to each of us.


We hesitantly each grab ahold of a wand and hold them not sure what exactly to do with them.

He startled us as he said "Well, give it a wave!"

We both jump and waved the wands and I gasped as a mirror I pointed near shattered making glass fly and Harry makes drawers fly from the shelves as they were thrown everywhere.

We both quickly put the wands down afraid to do more damage.

The man though seemed unfazed as he watched.

"Apparently not." He says as he walks to the front of the store using the latter to reach the top of the shelf pulling out another two.

He takes them out the box before holding them out to us "Perhaps, these?"

We hesitantly take them and a gulp a bit before waving my wand and I jump as two vases near us shattered.

"Nope! Nope, definitely not." The man exclaims as he looks perplexed for a moment.

Thinking hard to what wands were meant for us.

He made his way to the back of the store as he reached a self and stopped at a certain two that were next to each other. He seemed as though he was going to pass them up but then stops eyeing them again. He looks back to us and then the wands.

"Always."   Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now