(S.I.L.K arc) Part 3

Start bij het begin

???'s voice: "By stalling"

Confused, Y/n turns back to Gwen who's starting to regenerate by gathering all the loose pieces of the symbiote towards her.

Y/n: "Oh, hell no!"

Webbing Gwen's upper body, Y/n began to pull her away to disrupt her regeneration. After pulling her off the ground, Y/n began spinning around, building momentum before letting go of the web and sending Gwen flying towards the torn up wall.

Thinking Gwen would recover quickly, Y/n zipped to the now larger hole in the wall.

Y/n: "Hello? Gwen?"

Stepping through, Y/n saw that he was now in a storage room.

Y/n: *scoff* "Hey, disembodied voice. Looks like you were wrong!"

???'s voice: "You are blissfully ignorant in only the first encounter"

Y/n began walking through the storage room, looking for any sign of Gwen.

Y/n: "All I'm saying, I'm still standing and she's nowhere in sight so...IN YOUR FACE!!!"

???'s voice: "Hmm...Hardly"

With the P.A system shutting off, Y/n had finally checked every area of the storage room and is now standing in the center.

Y/n: "I wonder what she meant by that? *shrug* Whatever, I better head back to MJ. Then we can finally get out of here"

Gwen: "Oh, you're not going anywhere~"

Y/n: "!!?"

All of a sudden, Y/n was ensnared by several tentacles, each wrapping around his limbs while the rest wrapped around his neck and chest.

He was then hit with a sense of depletion, feeling his strength rapidly slip away.

Gwen: "Bare with this, Y/n. In a few moments I'll finally cure you"

Y/n: *groan* "Go...cure...yourself!"

Y/n manages to break free from from Gwen's hold, leading him to drop to the floor, on his knees. His suit torn into segments, and his strength seemingly drained away from him.

Y/n: *pant* "D.A.R.C, what the fuck just happened?"

D.A.R.C: "Radioactive levels in your bloodstream seems to have dropped significantly"

Y/n: *pant* "So that's what she meant by 'cure'"

Pushing himself to his feet, Y/n did his best to shake off the exhaustion. Assuming a drunken-like stance, feet shaking to try and hold his weight, arms getting heavier by the second, vision blurring.

Y/n: "Looks like...I'll have to beat the sense back into you"

Gwen chuckles madly before conjuring his talon claws.

Y/n *sigh* "Fuck my life..."

The fight continues, Y/n manages to stay on his toes throughout the fight, dodging and ducking Gwen's attacks before retaliating with his own flurry of punches and kicks.

As they continue to brawl, however, Y/n could feel his strength slip further and further away from him whilst Gwen's strength remain at her peak.

Y/n: "This must be what it feels like for every inadequate male in the bedroom...it's not a good time"

Gwen: "Tired already? But I'm just starting to have fun~"

Y/n: "Not...HELPING!"

In his exhausted state, Y/n was unable to dodge the flurry of tentacles that shot out of Gwen, snaring him once again.

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